21st Century Women: How to get ahead in business
Plymouth Business School’s ‘Wonder Room’ is hosting the ‘21st Century Women: How to get ahead in business’ conference on 8 March 2013.
The ‘Wonder Room’ initiative is an ideas driven consultancy that works with students to develop proactive and beneficial engagements.
These projects bridge the gap between real world engagement and academic excellence, the 21st Century Women conference is an example of such a project. The conference is sponsored by PBS Gateway and IBM, features speakers from companies such as IBM and PricewaterhouseCoopers and will focus on providing information and advice that students can put into practice when considering careers in business.
The conference consists of a selection of presentations from female experts in their fields including Kate Dodson, Business and Operations Manager of Cosmic Ethical IT, Jennifer Chapman, Senior Manager at PwC and Celia Bourne a Management Consultant. The presentations look at key topics affecting some of the most employable industries, advising students on considerations and goals when choosing to enter into these sectors.
The full list of presentations and speakers is as follows:
• How to get ahead in: Sustainability - Victoria Hurth, Plymouth Business School
• How to get ahead in: Business in Developing Countries - Lise Hunter, Plymouth Business School
• How to get ahead in: Leadership and the 'can do' Mentality - Celia Bourne, Bourne Development
• How to get ahead in: Consultancy - Jennifer Chapman, PwC
• How to get ahead in: Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship - Kate Doodson, Cosmic IT
• How to get ahead in: IT - Manika Sohal and Maryrose Crapper, IBM
Dr Hilary Duckett, Director of the Plymouth University Business School, one of four schools within the wider Faculty of Business, comments: “Next month’s 21st Century Women conference is just one of the many ways that the Plymouth Business School and Wonder Room initiative is working to prepare students for life after higher education. We want our students to leave university prepared for careers in their chosen fields; the 21st Century Women conference will provide guidance and advice from experts in business.
“We want to not only teach our students the theory and history behind business but also prepare them for their futures. We provide experience, guidance and expertise they can utilize and think about the bigger picture, the bigger issues that will inevitably affect them.”
Plymouth Business School has a strong philosophical base that asking bigger picture questions and considering elements such as the environment will be an important element of capitalism in the future and emerging thriving business leaders will need to blend humanistic knowledge, understanding and empathy to ensure the continued success of their businesses.
For more information on the 21st Century Women: How to get ahead in business conference or to book a place please visit: http://21stcenturywomen.wonderroom.com/