
Trading: An Essential Pillar of Global Economics

Trading is a fundamental activity that underpins global economics, facilitating the exchange of goods, services, and financial assets between individuals, businesses, and nations. It encompasses various forms, including international trade, stock trading, commodities trading, and more....

Customer Service: Strategies, Impacts, and Best Practices

What is customer service?

Customer service is the cornerstone of successful businesses, offering support throughout the customer journey—before, during, and after purchases or service interactions. It plays a pivotal role in shaping customer perceptions, fostering loyalty, and driving business growth. Effective customer service involves tasks like addressing queries, resolving issues,...

Plymouth Enjoys Financial Boost as Cruise Bookings Double

Plymouth ’s growing cruise business has seen bookings double, bringing in an extra £1.5million spend to the city this year.

That’s the figure gathered from the thousands of passengers and crew from the flotilla of ships visiting Britain’s Ocean City.

Industry data claims that on average Each cruise visitor spends around £90, however, Plymouth and the surrounding economy also...

Exploring the Benefits of Underground Storage Vessels for Industrial Use

In the industrial sector, the storage of large quantities of liquids, gases, and other materials is a critical aspect of operations. One solution that has gained popularity is the underground storage vessel . These vessels are designed to be buried below the surface, offering a range of benefits that make them an ideal choice for many industries. From environmental protection to space...

Almost 100 new free training courses launched in Devon and Cornwall

Thousands of adults across Devon and Cornwall have the opportunity to learn new skills with almost 100 free Skills Bootcamp courses now on offer.

Train4Tomorrow Skills Bootcamps has 2,000 places available for adults across the region who want to ‘upskill’, change careers or explore new opportunities.

The latest wave of Train4Tomorrow Skills Bootcamps, delivered by Devon...

Plymouth based craft business EM-MAgination turns 2!

A successful Plympton based women-led crafting business has turned 2. To celebrate this milestone EM-MAgination held a party at the Rees Centre in Plympton on Sunday 30th June 2024. The celebrations began with a family crafting session where party hats, party bags and badges were made to celebrate. After this those supporters of EM-MAgination including other local small businesses came...

Cashless payments – a simple way to increase sales in your store

The rise of cashless payments has not only simplified transactions but also opened new avenues for businesses to thrive. This shift from traditional cash to digital payment methods has proven to be a game-changer for retailers. By adopting cashless payments, you can streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and ultimately boost sales in your store.

Enhanced customer experience...

Bid for 50 businesses to make town more ‘dementia friendly’

A community group has launched a campaign to make 50 businesses in the Sid Valley more ‘dementia friendly’ by Christmas.

More than a dozen businesses have already taken the free training offered by Dementia Friendly Sidmouth which launched in June with the aim of raising awareness of dementia to improve the lives of those living with the condition and their families/carers.


Green Certifications and Standards - What Devon Businesses Need to Know

For businesses in Devon, going green is more than a trend; it's a commitment to sustainability that offers significant benefits. From enhancing your brand's reputation to meeting customer demand for eco-friendly practices, green certifications and standards can be invaluable.

Here's a comprehensive guide to what Devon businesses need to know about getting certified and the benefits...

Why Franchise Consultants are Vital for Your Business Expansion

If you are a business owner looking to expand your brand through franchising, you may have considered seeking the help of franchise consultants. But what exactly do franchise consultants do, and how can they benefit your business? This article will explore the role of franchise consultants and why they are vital for your business expansion.

Understanding the Role of Franchise Consultants...

Exploring the Latest Advancements in Surveillance Technology for Modern Enterprises

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, modern enterprises are constantly seeking innovative technologies to enhance their operational efficiency and security. One of the most critical areas of development has been in the realm of surveillance technology. This field has seen significant advancements that not only bolster security measures but also pave the way for new opportunities in...

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