Applications open for Coastal Communities Fund
Organisations or businesses in Plymouth with bright ideas about creating long-term jobs may be able to apply for funding under the Coastal Communities Fund.
Round 2 of the Coastal Communities Fund has just been launched with £21.7 million available nationally and the Council is encouraging people to get in touch with them to see if they may be eligible.
Last year, the Council in partnership with Destination Plymouth, secured £670,400 for upgrading premises in Commercial Wharf and Royal William Yard to provide small business space and improving cycling facilities in and around the waterfront.
The fund is open to applications from businesses, charities, social enterprises and local authorities and the fund expects that “Coastal communities will experience regeneration and economic growth through projects that directly or indirectly create sustainable jobs and safeguard existing jobs.”
Bids must be for a minimum of £50,000 and spent over two years.
Council leader Tudor Evans said: “We did really well in the last round and have some interesting irons in the fire which we may submit in the next round but we would love to hear from others who may have an incredible idea which is what the fund is looking for. Talk to us to see if your ideas have potential.”
CCF2 is being delivered by the BIG Lottery Fund and further information, including an application form, help notes and a list of successful projects from round 1 can be found at www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/global-content/programmes/uk-wide/coastal-communities
Businesses and organisations who want to discuss further should contact Julia Blaschke, EU and Funding Officer at Plymouth City Council on (01752) 308981 or email julia.blaschke@plymouth.gov.uk