New Foyer Federation chief kicks off national tour in South West
As a leading regional housing association DCH has invested around £565m into the south west economy over the past five years.
DCH is committed to supporting growth in the region; from building thousands of new homes and working with partner organisations such as the Foyer Federation, to creating jobs and investing in communities.
In recognition of the great work being done in housing young people in the area, new Foyer Federation Chief Executive Tokunbo Ajasa-Oluwa visited DCH to see how the housing association provide foyers for young people, offering services that create a nurturing community, learning and living environment in which homeless young people can become resilient and self-reliant. Tokunbo visited the Plymouth Foyer, which supports 50 young people who are at risk of being homeless for a variety of reasons. Whilst there he spoke to young people living in the foyer, took part in a craft session, toured around accommodation facilities and met DCH’s Group Chief Executive, Paul Crawford.
Tokunbo Ajasa-Oluwa said "I am very glad that the Plymouth Foyer has been my very first foyer visit since being in post. It provided a refreshing insight to an asset based approach to nurturing young people. It was also enlightening to spend some time with Paul Crawford, DCH’s CEO, to gain an insight to the youth offer of the entire group. In just two days I learnt a lot and look forward to working closely with DCH in 2017 and beyond."
Paul Crawford said “Meeting Tokunbo was a great experience and I’m really pleased that he’s taken the time to meet us, visit one of our foyers and to speak to the young people we support. We’re very proud of the work that we do for people and communities across the south west, and last year we supported 368 young people in our foyer accommodation. I wish Tokunbo the best of luck in his new role and look forward to continuing the great relationship between our organisations.”