Places left on Plymouth Health and social care integration conference
There are still some places left on the upcoming Integration: Making it Real Conference, which is being held at the Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth University, PL4 8AA, on Monday 7 March 2016.
Health and social care professionals or anyone with an interest in this area are encouraged to book on this one day conference, featuring renowned international, national and local speakers including Sir Keith Pearson, Chair of Health Education England, Professor Paul Corrigan, Adjunct Professor of Public Health, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Alf Collins, NHS England.
The conference will look at ground-breaking work that has taken place across the South West peninsular to bring health and social care services closer together, with input from health services and local authorities across Devon and Cornwall.
Councillor Tudor Evans, Leader of Plymouth City Council, said: “We are looking forward to celebrating our successes at this conference and showcasing some of the radical work being done in Plymouth to improve health and social care.
“These are challenging times for health and social care and here in Plymouth we have recognised that we need to work in a collaborative way to address the health and care needs of our local population.
“We have made some great progress so far in making our health and care services more integrated and one of the first stages was the transfer of adult social care staff from Plymouth City Council to an integrated health and care team at Livewell South West (formerly Plymouth Community Healthcare).
“The next phase is our work with NEW Devon CCG to pool resources and we recently agreed a joint commissioning budget through our ‘One System – One Budget’ approach, with the aim of tailoring services to the needs of the individual and ensuring they get the right care, at the right time, in the right place.”
Carole Burgoyne, Director for People for Plymouth City Council, said: "The Government had been pushing for integration for a while and our Health and WellBeing board set us a target to deliver integration by 2016 and we achieved it a year earlier.”
Professor Trish Livsey, Executive Dean of the University’s Faculty of Health and Human Sciences, said: “Plymouth University is proud of its excellent teaching, research and clinical skills in health and wellbeing, and we’re delighted to be part of this integration.
“The courses and research we do are world-leading and, through our excellent working relationship with the other organisations, we have been able to share ideas of best practice with our students and ensure the local community is served as effectively as possible.”
The cost is £40 per delegate and for more information or to book a place call 01752 586005 or email events@plymouth.ac.uk