Ballot papers received in battle for Waterfront BID
Plymouth’s Waterfront traders have received their ballot papers ahead of a crucial “yes” or “no” vote to continue the area’s Business Improvement District.
The Plymouth Waterfront Partnership has been lobbying its members to back Waterfront BID2 and allow the organisation to continue its work for a further five years.
The PWP team is hoping the hard work has paid off as they await the return of 877 ballot papers from local business owners, who will have the final say on whether to extend the Waterfront BID’s work to 2022.
Traders – in a four-square mile area stretching from Stonehouse to Coxside - currently pay 1.5 per cent of their rateable value annually in return for enhanced services, projects, events and marketing.
Since the original Waterfront BID was launched in 2012 the PWP team has been the mouthpiece for the area, securing more than £6m of investment, ringfencing council spending and increasing visitor numbers to a host of new Waterfront events, including the Plymouth Pirates Weekend, Plymouth Seafood Festival and Christmas lights.
They have increased and strengthened the marketing of the area, both at home and abroad, improved signage for visitors, secured a new cruise ship terminal and helped to garner the support of Washington for the highly-anticipated Mayflower 400 celebrations in 2020.
And smaller, aesthetic projects have included stopping the Barbican’s historic cobbled streets being filled in with tarmac, installed more planters full of flowers, better Christmas decorations and cleaner roads and pavements. In essence, a championing of the broader Plymouth plan, in which the Waterfront Masterplan compliments the City Centre Masterplan and aims to increase the use and enjoyment of the Sound; keep the Waterfront working, improve the Waterfront experience, connecting Waterfront neighbourhoods and making it a world class Waterfront.
The PWP also acts as a strategic partner alongside the city council and organisations like Destination Plymouth to make sure the voices and concerns of Waterfront hoteliers, restauranteurs, attraction managers and retailers get heard.
Michael Wood, General Manager of Plymouth’s Holiday Inn, said he already knows which way he will be voting.
He said: “I believe we have a duty to support this initiative. It’s the right thing to do going forward.
“It’s good to have a point of contact and, in terms of benefits, the improved signage is great for our visitors to navigate themselves around the city.
“In terms of the work they do alongside Destination Plymouth, it’s important to have an infrastructure in place that works for the good of the city.
“There are many events planned for the future, including the Mayflower 400 celebrations, where we need joined up thinking and a voice for all Waterfront businesses.”
Projects outlined for the next five years by the Waterfront BID2 team include better connectivity between the city and the Waterfront through trails and transport improvements, organising new monthly markets, celebrating the city’s heritage telling the stories of Drake, Cook, Scott and Darwin, and continuing to promote the area around the world.
PWP Chief Executive and Waterfront Manager Sarah Gibson said: “All we can do now is wait for the ballot papers to come back and hope that business owners across the Waterfront recognise the improvements we have made through their help and investment.
“We’ve built strong partnerships to secure delivery, drawn down grants including Coastal Communities funding and just recently secured almost £4m of committed Council investment for the Waterfront.
“Talking with Waterfront business owners, we all have the same goal. To make the Waterfront the jewel in Plymouth’s crown and a leading visitor destination within the UK.
“We hope BID voters give us the chance to continue to fight on their behalf for new investment, cleaner and brighter streets, more events, better connectivity between the centre and the sea and even more international promotion.
“With the Mayflower 400 celebrations just three years away, it’s vital we have an organisation in place to make sure our stunning Waterfront gets all the attention and focus it deserves. If businesses vote yes for Waterfront BID2 we will work with our partners to target more than £10m investment as we prepare for 2020.”
The results of the vote will be announced by March 8th and, if successful, PWP BID2 will begin its five-year term in April.
Find out more about PWP Waterfront BID2 at www.waterfrontbid.co.uk