Crime continues to fall across Devon & Cornwall
The latest figures for 2015 shows that crime continues to fall across Devon and Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
Recorded figures for January to December 2015 showed a decrease of 4.9% or 3,998 fewer offences compared to 2014, with reductions across a number of crime groups. The updated picture shows the Force continues to see reductions in public order offences (down by -12.4%), vehicle crime (-11.4%), theft (-12.8%), and criminal damage has fallen by 6.6%.
The figures show significant reductions in burglary offences, both dwelling (down -17.7%) and non dwelling, (down -15.8%).
The figures highlight that Devon & Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is the third safest place in the Country to live and work.
In line with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, there are certain types of crime that the Force wishes to see a rise in the reporting of such as rape, serious sexual offences, (rape up 14.8% & other sexual offences up 13%) and domestic abuse - as we believe these are under reported. Therefore, the Force also produces crime figures which exclude these crimes.
Victim based crime minus domestic abuse, rape and serious sexual assault has fallen by 5.9% during 2015.
Deputy Chief Constable Bill Skelly said: ‘These are positive and pleasing results, and credit must go to all our staff and officers for their continued hard work.
‘Crime statistics are complex and provide only one indicator of our performance since demand on our service is not reflected in these statistics, and 80% of policing is not related directly to crime. However we do use crime figures as a useful measure to assist in identifying where to direct our resources’.
Historical figures from the Office of National Statistic published today, covering the period between 1st October 2014 and 30th September 2015 compared to the same period the previous year also shows Devon and Cornwall had a 3.7% reduction (excluding fraud) in recorded crime.
The Office for National Statistics notes some rises for this period, particularly violence against the person, (up 8.6%) including with injury (up 5.4%) and without injury, (up 11.9%).
It also records increases in robbery (up 3.4%) and possession of a weapon (up 10.1%).
It notes that improvements in the recording of crime are thought to have particularly affected some categories of violent crime.
Additionally, a re-focus regarding the recording of offences under the Dangerous Dog Act (1991) has resulted in an increase of 400 crimes within the violence with injury category, in 2015 compared with 2014 and represents 64% of the increase.
Devon and Cornwall police publish the latest recorded crime figures on our website, as well as links to regional and local crime maps. To access these, please go to http://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/our-people/our-performance/crime-fig...