Domestic abuse and drink drive fears as Euro 2016 looms
Devon & Cornwall and Dorset police today warned that antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated as Euro 2016 gets underway in June.
England, Wales and Northern Ireland will take part in the UEFA Euro 2016 tournament in France. The competition begins on the 10th June and will run until 10th July.
This is the first time that three home nations have made a major competition since 1958 and will see millions of people watching the matches across the UK and in France.
A UK policing team will travel to France to work with their local counterparts offering support and advice on how to manage visiting fans. This joint working has been successful in the past.
Superintendent Ian Drummond-Smith, said: “Plans have been in place both locally and nationally in relation to policing this summer’s football tournament and we have plenty of experience in policing major sporting events within the region.
“At a local level we have worked closely with partner agencies, bars, pubs and social clubs to help them prepare for the tournament and make them aware of both their responsibilities, but also where they can turn for advice.
On June 1st, everyone in the UK who has a football banning order is being prevented from leaving the country until the Euro 2016 football competition has ended; Locally, 43 people have been ordered to surrender their passports.
Officers are at ports across the thee counties and will detain those who are attempting to leave the country under a football banning order.
Supt Drummond-Smith has warned fans who think it is acceptable to cause trouble either in France or back in the UK that their actions will have huge consequences: “The vast majority of supporters will be genuine fans travelling to France to enjoy the country and the football. Officers from the police football intelligence unit will be on duty throughout the tournament.
“We will monitor all incidents and any arrests in France or within Dorset, Devon and Cornwall linked to the football, with a view to applying to the courts for football banning orders where appropriate.”
For information around alcohol and drinking visit: www.drinkaware.co.uk
For help and advice domestic abuse call National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or Devon and Cornwall, and Dorset Police on 101 or visit www.devonandcornwall.police.uk