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Calls to protect football pitches at Collings Park and objections about development plans on Paradise Road in Stoke are some of the responses received as part of a massive consultation.
Comments are now coming in as part of the Joint Local Plan consultation carried out by Plymouth City Council and South Hams District and West Devon District Councils.
A total of 30,300 homes need to be built in the next 16 years across the area and the councils are looking at where they should be built along with employment space and infrastructure such as roads and schools.
Deputy Leader of Plymouth City Council Councillor Nicholson said: “We are half way through the consultation and lots of community groups, businesses and landowners are involved, which is brilliant, but we’d like to hear from as many individuals as possible
“You are the experts on where you live and you can help us get the balance right between building homes, encouraging business and the infrastructure needed to keep a city running with the incredible environment in this area.”
Other proposals which have attracted comments include a proposal for housing at Downham School and objections to more housing at Woolwell.
Councillor Nicholson added: “This is not just about people making objections, if there’s something you’re really in favour of, let us know!”
In Plymouth people are being asked to comment on 149 sites which can be viewed on an interactive map: (www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1GRx3b4KPBfm1ysGnE6EBAP7xUZg) Another map shows what green space is being considered for protection: (www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=144UyajQu4Z9hTNr2mUkdwmAS5kY)
Over the last 10 years, Plymouth has seen 8,575 homes delivered and 92 per cent were built on previously-built land. Building is underway on a further 644 properties and 4,741 have permission to be built, but work is yet to start.
In South Hams and West Devon the consultation focuses on six major towns of Dartmouth, Ivybridge, Kingsbridge, Okehampton, Tavistock, Totnes, and smaller rural centres of Bere Alston, Lifton, Hatherleigh, Modbury,North Tawton, Salcombe, Stokenham / Chillington and Yealmpton.
This consultation follows on from previous work carried out separately by the three councils on the Plymouth Plan, South Ham’s ‘Our Plan’ and West Devon’s ‘Our Plan’. The outcome will be a single strategy for the area – the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan.
No decisions have been made yet about any of the sites. The final allocations will be included in the draft Plymouth and South West Joint Local Plan due for consultation in Autumn 2016.
A booklet about the Joint Local Plan in Plymouth and a booklet for the Thriving Towns and Villages is available with more information about sites, the homes needed across the area as well as infrastructure and green space. Paper copies are available from 1st Stop shop in George Street and libraries.
For more information visit www.plymouth.gov.uk/jointlocalplan
Comments can be made online at http://plymouth.objective.co.uk/portal/planning/jlp/