Have you returned your electoral form?
Plymouth City Council is reminding residents to make sure their details are up-to-date and accurate on the electoral register.
Around 118,000 household enquiry forms were posted to homes across the city in July as part of the annual voter registration canvass and reminders were sent out at the beginning of September. Around 80,000 forms have been returned so far.
Canvassers are now visiting homes and delivering final reminders, asking people who haven’t responded to check their forms and make sure the information listed for their address is correct. They are also encouraging residents who aren’t already registered to sign up.
Electoral Services Manager Amerjit Kang said: “If you want to have your say in any future elections you have to be on the register. It’s really important to check your form and either confirm or amend the details.
“You can either send the form back to us in the freepost envelope provided or confirm your details online, by phone or by text, using the details on the form. If you can respond electronically we encourage you to do so, as it is quicker and cheaper.
“If you’re not already on the electoral register – or you’ve moved house in the last year – we will then send you an individual voter registration form. We’ll also send you information on how to register online, if you’d prefer to do it this way.”
If you’ve lost your form or need help filling it in call the Council’s electoral services team on 304866