Honour for Devon & Cornwall Trading Standards officer
A Devon and Somerset Trading Standards officer has been honoured at a national awards ceremony for his work in boosting business by forging closer ties between traders and regulatory bodies.
Former businessman Tim Milsom, owner of Exminster Garage for 27 years, has clinched the Government’s inaugural Better Business for All (BBfA) ‘Individual Ambassador’ Award at a ceremony in London.
The Devon and Somerset BBfA Partnership is an alliance of 19 local authorities across Devon and Somerset plus the Fire and Rescue Service working with the Heart of the South West (HotSW) LEP, local Economic Development Teams and a wide ranging group of business representatives helping to debunk the myth held by many businesses that regulatory services are a bureaucratic barrier to successful trade.
As Chair of both the Devon and Somerset BBfA partnerships Business Focus Panel and the Steering Group, which represents the 19 local authorities, Tim has made a real impact by improving the way regulation is delivered and received. His passion and commitment has built excellent new working relationships across the region and he has the confidence of colleagues both in local authorities and the business community that he can be trusted to deliver.
On his win, Tim said: “The award is national recognition for what has been achieved by the Devon & Somerset BBfA partnership”.
“Although an individual award, it very much reflects the work & success of the partnership and as such is shared with Devon & Somerset BBfA colleagues”
“We have achieved much with our HotSW LEP and BBfA partners on how regulatory services actively contribute to the business growth agenda.
“Thanks are extended to the management and individuals across our 19 Local Authorities and others including Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service for having the BBfA vision and for actively contributing along with our Economic Development teams who have helped make our BBfA alliance a reality.
“We intend to use the award as a spur to further strengthen our partnership and take forward our business growth and devolution agendas.”
Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council’s Cabinet member with responsibility for Trading Standards, said: "Congratulations to Tim, he thoroughly deserves the award “Tim has been the driving force behind the programme.
“His strong drive to benefit the businesses in Devon and Somerset and ability to involve organisations in the BBfA partnership really stands out.”
Heidi Hallam, Partnership Manager – Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership said: “Tim has maintained a strong vision for how the BBfA initiative can benefit our businesses and his passion to see this work in the HofSW LEP area has been inspiring. A big “Thank You” to Tim and also to the teams that you have brought together that work on this initiative for the benefit of our businesses; it’s a pleasure working with you.”
Councillor David Hall, Somerset County Council Deputy Leader said: “Successful engagement with business is critical to our continued economic growth and the Devon and Somerset BBfA Partnership is changing the way Regulators are viewed. Tim’s energy, tenacity and dedication have been key in developing these strong relationships and I look forward to seeing the Partnership build on this for the future. Well done to the Partnership and especially to Tim.”