Landlords told to sort out properties
More landlords are being told to sort their property as part of the Council’s Operation Restore.
‘Untidy Land’ notices are being posted out on the following sites ordering the owners to carry out works necessary to improve the buildings’ appearance to an acceptable degree.
They are
• God TV revival prayer centre, Union Street
• C103 Club Union Street
• Victoria Snooker Centre (former cinema St Budeaux )
• Vacant former chapel in Wyndham Street East
• Vacant site in Dale Road/Central Park Avenue
The minimum necessary period for compliance will be set out in the enforcement notices, which will be issued under Section 215 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.
Earlier this year the Council carried out a similar action, targeting five historic buildings. Three were in Union Street, the Palace Theatre and former Great Western Hotel next door, the former Grand Theatre Public House and empty premises at 160 Union Street.
The owners of Raglan Barracks Gatehouse in Devonport and the former Mechanics Institute and Pot Black Snooker Hall, Duke Street, Devonport were also issued with notices.
Councillor Brian Vincent, Cabinet for Streetscene said: “We were encouraged by the outcomes of the first wave of notices as all but one made the improvements we asked of them.
“Although there is clearly still much to do to make these buildings acceptable, the owners at least responded to the notices and are involved in discussions with us. After years of silence, that’s real progress.”
Councillor Mark Lowry, Cabinet Member for Assets and Finance added: “Landlords need to act responsibly and their properties should be an asset to the neighbourhood they are part of – not an eye sore.
“It’s not fair to the people living around them to have to put up with such appalling looking buildings on their doorsteps. We hope this action sends a message to businesses and residents that they have an obligation to look after their properties.
"We do not want to take legal action but we will if we have to. We are not letting this go."