Make a will for Cancer Research UK
South West men and women are being urged to leave a lasting gift for future generations by including a donation to Cancer Research UK in their Will.
The charity has launched a new awareness campaign highlighting the power of legacy giving in helping to save lives.
Gifts left to Cancer Research UK in Wills fund over a third of the charity’s pioneering work, helping to turn discoveries made in the lab into better treatments for patients in the South West and across the UK.
With 87 people diagnosed with cancer every day in the region*, the awareness drive aims to help accelerate groundbreaking research and ensure more men, women and children survive.
Alison Birkett, Cancer Research UK spokesperson for the South West, said: “By leaving a donation to Cancer Research UK in their Will people across the South West can give many more families the incredible gift of hope.
“Young people today are the generation who could see groundbreaking treatments and cures for cancer in their lifetime. But we’ll only get the knowledge and technology we need to win the fight against cancer through research, that’s why we urgently need support.
“Half of people diagnosed with cancer now survive. But half is not enough. There are over 200 types of cancer and we won’t stop until we find cures for them all. The more research we are able to fund the sooner that day will come.”
Thanks to the generosity of its supporters, Cancer Research UK spent around £1million last year in the South West on some of the UK’s leading scientific and clinical research.
This work is wide-ranging from understanding the causes of cancer and investigating new ways to prevent it, to detecting it earlier and developing better treatments.
Alison Birkett added: “Our work to beat cancer sooner depends on every hour of research, every pound donated and every person who gets involved, so we hope as many people as possible will take this opportunity to consider leaving a legacy gift to the charity.
“When someone writes Cancer Research UK into their Will, they are helping to write an end to cancer for future generations.”
For more information about leaving a gift to Cancer Research UK in your Will, visit cruk.org/WriteAnEnd or call 0800 077 66 44 for an information pack.