Preparation work begins for Derriford Transport Scheme
Early preparation works for the Derriford Transport Scheme will get under way today (Firday 5 February).
The scheme will help to reduce congestion along Tavistock Road and create more road capacity for the extra traffic that will be generated by proposed developments in the area. It will also include better facilities for public transport, walking and cycling.
Derriford Roundabout and the William Prance Road junction will be upgraded with additional traffic lanes, new bus lanes and improved traffic signals, as well as new, marked cycle lanes and new pedestrian crossings. Walking and cycling improvements will also extend towards The George Park and Ride.
A preferred option has been chosen and scheme designs are now being finalised following consultation with residents and businesses in 2014 and two public exhibitions held in October 2015.
Construction work is expected to begin in July but some early preparation work is needed, starting with tree surveys on Friday 5 February. This will require a lane closure on the northbound side of Tavistock Road, between the William Prance Road junction and Derriford Road, from 9.30am to 3.30pm.
Further preparation and site clearance work, including tree and vegetation removal, will start on Monday 8 February (ahead of the bird nesting season) and take around three weeks. Councillors have insisted that there will be no net loss of trees in the Derriford area.
During this time traffic will be managed with lane closures along Tavistock Road, between the Sendall’s Way junction and Derriford Roundabout (outbound) and outside the Mercedes garage to Derriford Roundabout (inbound). All lane closures will be clearly signed and will only be in place during non-peak times to minimise disruption.
The Derriford Transport Scheme is part of the master plan of highway improvements that will help unlock development and deliver 9,000 new jobs and 3,000 new homes in the north of the city.
It will be supported by other essential infrastructure improvements in the area including the new Marjon Link Road (which opened in the autumn), the Derriford Hospital Interchange and the proposed Forder Valley Link Road.
The Heart-of-the-South-West Local Enterprise Partnership (HotSW LEP) is contributing £10.16 million towards the £12.72 million scheme.
For more information click here.