Redrok's Adam takes on Plymouth 10k for Gold Dust
As one of the official sponsors of this year’s Plymouth 10k, local company Redrok has also decided to enter a team into the run’s Corporate Challenge and we are delighted to announce that team member, Adam Hopkins will be raising funds for the Gold Dust Appeal!
Business Development Manager, Adam, said: “This won’t be easy but I’m up for the challenge! As a team, Redrok have entered the Plymouth 10k and are looking to support some fantastic charities - my choice is the Gold Dust Appeal.
“Having visited the paediatric level at Derriford you can see what they're trying to achieve to be able to make the 10,000 children and families comfortable whilst visiting, for either a one-off appointment or long term high dependency care.
“I'm lucky enough to have two healthy children, and have visited only as a one-off appointment for something relatively minor. However, many children visiting require long term care and it's important that with the appeal we raise enough money to create an environment that makes everyone feel comfortable and relaxed during long periods of care.”
To sponsor Adam, visit his JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/Adam-Hopkins-10k
If you would like to run the Plymouth 10k in aid of the Gold Dust Appeal, please call 01752 432425 or send us an email: plh-tr.GoldDustAppeal@nhs.net or message via the Facebook page.
Pictured from left to right: Robin, Adam, Gemma and Chris