PSP firm's expansion plans to continue to help low income residents heat and insulate homes
A Plymouth Science Park based company is celebrating winning major contracts with two of the six big energy companies – all for the benefit of people living across the Devon and Cornwall area.
The Carbon Saving Group aims to tap into millions of pounds of government funding to install efficient heating and insulation for tenants, landlords and homeowners.
The team’s goal is to help people save cash, improve living conditions and better the environment by reducing energy wastage.
“The funding will better the lives of people on lower incomes,” says Tom Read, Director of the Carbon Saving Group.
“It’ll bring money into Plymouth and create job opportunities in the city.”
The company’s success means it’s now planning to double, or possibly triple, current staffing numbers from four to between eight and twelve colleagues.
It also means the team will be expanding into new offices at the prestigious 25 acre PSP site at Derriford.
“We’re looking forward to moving into larger premises,” explains Tom.
“Doing so will allow us to recruit new staff members into our team and we’re pleased to be able to offer a number of incentives for successful applicants.”
CSG started at PSP more than two years ago and has found that having ‘everything under one roof’ has been hugely beneficial for the team.
The PSP approach to assisting business growth allowed the CSG team to focus on building their firm knowing that everything they would need to do so was easily accessible.
“They sort everything out for you,” says Tom. “Telephones, reception, parking and broadband are all provided for you at the site."
"It’s financially a very good package and it means companies and staff are able to be based in a beautiful environment.”
The company is currently looking to help people with a range of new products which include exterior wall, cavity and / or loft insulation together with boiler installation.
“We’re particularly keen to help people access grant funding if they’re living in homes with electric storage heaters or who might have no heating at all."
"Insulation is vital as it helps to reduce their bills and enable them to turn the heating on without being afraid to do so.”
The team can help people who are accessing a wide range of benefits and are also working closely with local Housing Associations and authorities, including Plymouth City Council.
The CSG team includes an engineer and office staff with vacancies opening for an internal accountant and also an eco-administrator (who can facilitate paperwork to comply with OFGEM guidelines).
“We are looking for friendly professional people to join our growing family,” says Tom.
“We’re focused on providing helpful advice and fittings for the local community but also encourage all of our staff to try to do something for charity every year.”