1000 club passes the half way mark
Well over 500 businesses have now signed up to Plymouth's 1000 Club – just days after it celebrated a year of success.
The club set itself a target of attracting 1000 companies and organisations to give the city’s young people a head start with their careers. Now it has shot passed the half way mark with 580 companies now on board and more signing up all the time, with opportunities opening up for young people.
The club was launched last year in response to growing concerns that Plymouth’s young people were being finding it difficult to find employment or gain the work related skills required by employers.
Council Leader Tudor Evans: “This is tremendous news – everyone wants to be part of this club – because it is making it easy as possible for employers and enthusiastic young people to find each other.
“We want to make sure that a generation of young people are not being left behind because economic circumstances are not quite right. They need to get experience under their belts, to build confidence and get familiar with the world of work. This is happening in spades thanks to the extraordinary generosity of time and spirit that so many businesses are showing and already over 1,600 young people have benefited from this support.”
One 18-year-old has landed herself a full-time job, thanks to the 1000 Club and Plymouth’s pioneering workskills bootcamp, held at the Council’s City Business Park in Stoke.
The bootcamp aims to improve the employability skills of young people and offers intensive training and support, looking at interview techniques, using computer and office equipment and other issues such as the tone and language of business communications.
Emma Webber has now been taken on by Molyneux Associates after the company’s owner Paul Molyneux talked to the candidates on their last day. The company offers financial advice on business and personal needs including investments, pensions, insurances and mortgages.
Paul said: “I was asked to give a talk to the participants and said if anyone wanted to talk to me in more detail they can. Emma approached me afterwards, which shows she’s got initiative and was interested, and I was able to offer her a job.”
Emma began working at the businesses offices at the park a few weeks ago and as the company is now part of the 1000 Club, was given a free week’s bus travel from Citybus – another club member.
Emma is currently scanning and double checking client files for the company. Paul added: “It’s an extremely important job as this is required by our regulatory body, the Financial Conduct Authority. Emma is getting experience of working life, is growing in confidence her work has been tip top and we feel we have gained.”
Emma, who hopes to go to university next year added: “The bootcamp gave me a real flavour of the different aspects of work – I didn’t expect to get a job so quickly but it’s great. I work with lovely people, getting paid and getting experience as well.”
For more information about the 1000 Club and how to sign up visit www.1000club.co.uk.