How Workplace Culture Has an Impact on Safety
Workplace culture is an incredibly important tool that businesses can use to create a happier and more productive workforce. The culture of a workplace is described as the collection of attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that are shared by employees. Companies can affect workplace culture through hiring practices, as well as offering training and encouraging activities that help foster specific attitudes.
While productivity is important, businesses should also manage their workplace culture to help promote safety. Workplace accidents may have declined over the years, but they still cost UK businesses an estimated £3.2 billion in 2018/19. As a result, dedicating resources and time to promoting a safety-conscious culture can have a major impact.
Safety Equipment
One of the biggest changes in workplace safety has been the advances to safety equipment. Modern businesses are required by law to use safety equipment in many areas, helping to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Properly safety-focused workplaces are trained to use this equipment properly and to report any potential issues with equipment.
In factories and work sites that deal with heavy machinery, the utmost care needs to be taken at all times. If a machine is damaged or being repaired, it could cause a serious accident if it’s switched on. For this reason, lock out tags are used to ensure that the machinery can’t be activated. Click here to see a selection of different lock out tags. Until it’s repaired, no one will be able to use it, and the tag will be a clear reminder to all employees.
With the right culture, employees don’t have to be reminded to use safety gear, which helps to reduce the load on managers and also improves overall safety records. However, signs and regular training help to provide reminders and refreshers, keeping safety at the forefront of the workplace culture.
Safety Training
Regular training is a hugely important factor in setting a successful culture that promotes safety and reduces risks. Employees should always be taught specific safety protocols when joining the company, with clear instructions on what to do in case of emergency and how to avoid typical accidents. A one-off training sessions isn’t enough though, as these protocols are easy to forget over time.
To prevent employees from developing potentially dangerous habits, safety training needs to be a regular occurrence. Ideally, this training should be engaging and fun, with a focus on participation rather than simply instructing from a powerpoint. Making the training enjoyable will help increase the retention of information and ensure that employees are happy to attend.
Aside from training, it’s important to occasionally hold drills to ensure the workforce are able to respond to emergencies correctly. Fire safety drills are common in warehouses, but other drills may be necessary for businesses that deal with a greater number of hazards.
How Businesses Can Promote Safety Culture
Having a positive safety culture in a workplace can lead to a lower number of accidents and incidents, creating more productivity and happier employees. It also reduces potential legal issues and ensures that the business can continue to grow and succeed. While promoting a safety culture can be a challenge, it comes down to hiring the right people and setting the correct standards.
Managers should be properly informed to ensure they make the right decisions for their employees and place safety as a priority. However, safety is the responsibility of every person in the company, and it’s important to hold people accountable. This ensures that everyone follows the same high standards and that responsibility isn’t passed off to others.
Hiring safety supervisors is important, and these people need to have the right support to carry out their work effectively. This means listening to their concerns and addressing them when needed.