Local enterprise partnership plans business consultation events
Helping regional enterprise partnership, the Heart of the South West to access a greater share of EU and Government funds is the aim of a series of events being held later this month, targeted at businesses and organisations throughout Devon, Plymouth, Somerset, and Torbay.
The sessions organised by the Heart of the South West (HotSW) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) will provide an opportunity to influence the partnership’s EU funding and business support agenda and look at priority areas.
Attendees will have the chance to provide feedback and explore of a range of topics, including EU funding, the City Deal and business support.
They follow on from the EU workshops held in January this year, which were specifically designed to identify key areas of work for the Partnership, and ensure that funding bids reflect the areas greatest needs in terms of developing and supporting business and the community. As a result, the LEP has been working on its EU ‘prospectus’ - a bid to Government for a fair share of the EU funds – to incorporate the feedback to focus on these areas of concern for business, including broadband, business support and supply chain opportunities.
The latest sessions will provide an opportunity for business, education and social enterprise to review the priorities and ensure they are in line with their needs and aspirations, and providing further useful guidance and intelligence on local issues.
Chris Garcia, the newly appointed Chief Executive for the Heart of the South West LEP said: “It is fundamental for us to maintain an active dialogue and gather feedback from our business community and other partners, so that we can effectively plan, influence and deliver funding for the area.
“These events will offer participants the chance to shape the area’s economic growth; we are keen to gather views from a broad range of industries and sectors to ensure our decisions truly reflect those of the region.”
The dates of the events are as follows:
Thursday 20th June - Vantage Point Innovation Centre, Paignton 16.00-18.00
Tuesday 25th June – The Exchange, Bridgwater 08.00 -10.00
Tuesday 25th June – North Devon+, Caddsdown Business Support Centre, Bideford, 16.00-18.00
Wednesday 26th June - Holiday Inn, Plymouth 08.00-10.00
Thursday 27th June - Taunton, Hestercombe House, 08.00-10.00
Friday 28th - Devon Hotel, Exeter, 0800-1000
To book a place and find out more, please click here.