Plymouth miracle glass treatment makes cleaning a cinch
Keeping windows and glass surfaces speckless and sparkly is now a lot easier - thanks to a specialist treatment service provided by Plymouth based ADS Window Films.
All glass has miniscule pits and bumps which are invisible to the human eye but it’s where dirt can quickly build up. And that means windows and glass surfaces can become the perfect place for grime to lurk.
But, thanks to the ADS Eco-Glass™ system, these tiny imperfections can be easily fixed by the wonders of ClearShield technology.
In simple terms, those tiny abrasions are ‘filled in’ with a safe and environmentally friendly set of chemicals which bond together to become part of the glass itself. The result? The surface becomes exceptionally smooth.
Think of your ‘non- stick’ frying pan and how easy it is to clean. Well, ADS Eco-Glass™ works in much the same way.
ADS Window Films’ installation team member Josh Chapman says it gives your home a bit of the TLC it deserves.
‘The product provides a crystal-clear effect. People often confuse what we’re doing here with some of the film products we use on properties. But this isn’t a film. We’re producing a chemical reaction which creates simple to clean glass.’
ADS Window Films is so impressed with the product that it says it’ll reduce the frequency of cleaning by up to 50%. The treatment means the days of using a lot of ‘elbow grease’ to try to remove dirt and bird droppings have effectively gone.
It can also be applied to solar panels which allows them to work more efficiently than their untreated counterparts.
Less dirt on the photovoltaic cells allows more light to get through which means more energy is produced – so providing bigger savings for the household.
And, of course, the ADS Eco-Glass™ system also has huge benefits in the commercial sector where it can be used in a variety of ways, from helping to keep leisure centres and spas exceptionally clean through to protecting glass surfaces where food is served.
Top government scientists have tested the system and it has the ‘green light’ from an array of august bodies, including the United States Food and Drug Administration.