Clear out your wardrobes to help beat kids' cancers
Men and women in the South West are being called on to clear out their cupboards, dig through their drawers and donate any unwanted items to TK Maxx’s fundraising campaign for Cancer Research UK - Give Up Clothes for Good.
Give Up Clothes for Good is the UK’s largest and longest running charity clothing collection partnership. Since 2004 the campaign has raised £13.5 million for Cancer Research UK, with over £9 million for research into children's cancers.
People are being urged to drop off their unwanted clothing, accessories and quality homeware in the special boxes provided in TK Maxx stores nationwide. This is the first time the campaign will run all year round. Each bag could be worth up to £30 for Cancer Research UK raising valuable funds for vital research into children’s cancers.
TK Maxx is the biggest corporate supporter of research into children's cancers in the UK, where around 1,600 children are diagnosed with cancer each year. Every year, around 130 children are diagnosed with cancer in the South West, this figure is in line with the national average. The Plymouth store is located in Royal Parade.
Karen Davis Cancer Research UK spokesperson for the South West, said: “Unwanted clothes really could save more lives which is why we’re asking people to give what they can. All you need to do is fill up a bag and drop it into any TK Maxx store.
Cancer Research UK scientists at the University of Bristol are searching for new drugs for children with neuroblastoma, a type of childhood brain tumour. Although it’s still at an early stage, this work could lead to life-saving treatments in the future.
“Every bag received could be worth as much as £30 to Cancer Research UK, which is the leading UK charity supporting clinical trials for children and young adults with cancer.
“In the 1960s, only around 1 in 4 children with cancer were cured. Today, 3 in 4 are cured thanks to research. With your help we hope to make it 4 in 4, bringing forward the day when all children’s cancers are cured.
“This is the first time the campaign will run all year round; giving people even more opportunities to donate, raising more funds for Cancer Research UK.”
More children than ever are now surviving cancer thanks to the work of Cancer Research UK. However, cancer is still the leading cause of death in children. And while the charity is intent on keeping more families together for longer by increasing the effectiveness of treatments, its researchers are also working hard to make those same treatments kinder; striving for fewer side-effects to avoid problems for children in later life, as currently some survivors endure long-term health issues such as hearing and fertility problems..
Donation bags and Gift Aid forms are available from TK Maxx stores but any bag – big or small will do. By returning a completed form with their bag of items, shoppers can boost the value of their donation by an additional 25 per cent.
The items donated will be sold in Cancer Research UK shops to raise valuable funds for vital research into children’s cancers.
The campaign is being backed by supermodel and actress, Jerry Hall.
Jerry said: "I'm absolutely honoured to be part of Give Up Clothes for Good. More children than ever are now surviving cancer thanks to the work of Cancer Research UK. So please support Give Up Clothes for Good and drop off a bag of clothing at your local TK Maxx store. Remember, you can now donate all year round."
Cancer Research UK receives no government funding for its life-saving research, so every step it makes towards beating cancer sooner relies on every pound donated.
For more information visit www.tkmaxx.com