Empowerment in Motion: Trevi Reclaim the Night and take a stand for safety and equality in our city
Throughout the last month, the 16 Days of Activism campaign has sparked crucial awareness about the urgent call to end violence against women and girls in our city. It illuminated ways for us to engage actively. Sustaining this momentum leading local women's charity Trevi now invites women to join their Reclaim the Night Walk.
Trevi will host the walk on Friday 9, February during Sexual Violence Awareness Week.
With reports of violence against women and girls (VAWG) once again on the rise in Plymouth, with an increase of 21% in domestic abuse cases in recent years, and our city having a higher prevalence of VAWG than the national figure, Reclaim the Night will see hundreds of Plymothians march through the city to demand change.
Following the tragic events that occurred in Plymouth in 2021, several marches have taken place in the city. However, the upcoming Reclaim the Night walk will be the first of its kind in Plymouth in the past eight years.
Reclaim the Night has been prominent in cities across the UK for nearly five decades. Its initial message in the 1970s, was the rage and anger that women felt about being given a curfew in response to severe violence against women and girls. The curfew was as a response to the mass murders of women committed by Peter Sutcliffe, while men were able to live their lives freely. These reactions are still prevalent today, as women show their fury at not only having to take extra measures to ensure their own safety within their daily lives but also being expected to take precautions against the added threat of spiking on nights out.
Women demanded that public spaces be safe for anyone to be in, regardless of gender. They have since taken place up and down the country, demonstrating an end to violence against women and girls more broadly. The aim is to raise awareness and provide a space for women and girls to voice their concerns about safety in Plymouth. Additionally, it's an opportunity for the city to showcase solidarity for a more compassionate and secure community. This event is family-friendly and welcomes all ages.
Open to all; the march will highlight how future crimes can be prevented and emphasise where abusers can turn to get help to change their behaviours, as well as recommendations on what more could be done to keep us safer in Plymouth and how you can support the fight to end VAWG. The event will also offer support for victims of previous or ongoing abuse from a male, as well as advice to men on how they can be a part of the solution to ending VAWG.
Heading up the campaign is Trevi's Community Fundraiser, Mel Sevieri. She says,
'Plymouth has worked tirelessly over the past few years to create significant changes for our women; however, with VAWG crimes still being a major issue, with cases on the rise in our city, we are anxious to see even more change. With Reclaim the Night, a global brand that many people already know, we will stand together, support survivors, and reclaim our nights together in the hope that we will be closer to seeing a city with a brighter and safer future where everyone can live without fear. Come be a part of the movement and make your voice count!'
Trevi invites you to join them on the march through the town centre, making as much noise as possible! The march starts with banner making at the Plymouth Arts University at 4.45pm and the walk will commence from Tavistock Place at 6.15pm.
The event is being supported by Plymouth Arts University and The University of Plymouth Student Union.
Daniella Marley, VP of Wellbeing and Diversity at the University of Plymouth, says, 'The University of Plymouth Student Union is a passionate advocate for safety in the city, particularly representing our student body. We are proud to lead a safe venue and support our fantastic students and their campaigns- such as the incredible Plymouth Night Patrol. This year, the all-female Sabbatical officer team is keen to support Reclaim the Night.'
If you are a victim or survivor of domestic violence and abuse in need of support, please visit where you can find information about services available. www.trevi.org.uk/endvawg
To book a space on the Reclaim the Night Walk visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reclaim-the-night-with-trevi-tickets-772979702097 or for more information email communications@trevi.org.uk
If you would like to get involved and show your support by volunteering for the walk, please contact mel.sevieri@trevi.org.uk