Make a date to Race for Life

Sarah Parker
Authored by Sarah Parker
Posted: Thursday, February 13, 2014 - 15:03

This Valentine's Day a heartfelt invitation is going out to all Devon women urging them to enter Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life.

Event organisers are asking all mums, grans, sisters, aunts, daughters and friends to join the formidable army of passionate women determined to take on cancer by entering a Race for Life 5k in Plymouth on 22 June.

Sam Beare, Cancer Research UK’s South West Events Manager, said: “Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to spend time with the people we love. And for that reason it’s also the perfect date to enter Race for Life.  This is because taking part in Race for Life, and raising money for life-saving research, will help more men, women and children survive cancer so they can go on to spend more precious moments with their loved ones.” 

Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with Tesco, is an inspiring women-only series of 5k and 10k events which raises millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer sooner.

Sam continued: “This Valentine’s Day, we’re calling on an army of feisty females to help us kiss cancer goodbye. Together, they will be at the heart of a collective force that will stop cancer in its tracks.”

Last year, nearly 9000 women took part in a Race for Life in Devon and raised a fantastic £417, 000. This year, organisers need 9600 women and girls to stride out to help raise £464, 000.

Sam continued: “Race for Life events are not competitive.  They are not about being fit or fast.  Instead, they are an amazing way to celebrate life but also remember those who have been lost to the disease.

“Participants may be walking, running or dancing their way around, but what’s inescapable is the power and strength that comes from thousands of women joining together to confront cancer.”

Cancer Research UK receives no Government funding for its ground-breaking work but with help from the people of the South West the charity intends to beat cancer sooner.

To enter Race for Life’s 5k or 10k events in the South West visit or call 0845 600 6050.
