Students at Plymouth High School for Girls are celebrating after opening their A-Level results today
Students and staff at Plymouth High School for Girls, part of Thinking Schools Academy Trust, are celebrating after receiving their A-Level grades.
This year, despite the challenges faced by all young people, students at Plymouth High have excelled, and the school is celebrating another year of strong results. Many students are now preparing to head off to the university, apprenticeship or job of their choice.
The school are delighted with how well all of students have performed and congratulate them on their success. As usual, there were some truly exceptional outcomes with students being awarded multiple A and A* grades.
- Holly Alexander achieved 4 A* grades in Geography, History, Politics and the extended project and will read History at Kings College.
- Lauren Herd was awarded 4 A* grades in History, Law, Psychology and the extended project as well as an A grade in core maths. Lauren is due to read Law at Cambridge.
- Lauren Burston received 3 A* grades in Chemistry, History and Mathematics and has accepted a place at Birmingham to read Mathematics.
- Dominique Farauanu achieved A* grades in History and Law with A grades in Geography and Politics and will read Law at Cardiff.
- Elizabeth Glanville was awarded 3 A* grades in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics with an A grade in French and is due to read Earth Sciences at Oxford.
- Jacob Goodhind achieved A* grades in Biology and Chemistry with an A grade in Physics and will go to Aston to read Medicine.
- Emma Robinson was awarded 4 A* grades in Biology, Chemistry Law and the extended project and will study Dentistry at Bristol.
- Jessica Towers received A* grades in Drama, English Literature and History with an A in the extended project and will read English at Birmingham.
- Lara Brinsden was awarded A* in Biology with A grades in Chemistry and Geography and plans to read medicine.
- Samuel Martin achieved 3 A grades in Business, English Literature and Law. Sam intends to take up an apprenticeship.
- Maisy Staples achieved an A* in History, A grades in Chemistry and Mathematics and a B grade in Physics. Maisy will read Natural Sciences at Bath.
Collecting her A Level results today, Lauren said:“I knew I had done everything I possibly could and I have enjoyed all the opportunities available to me at Plymouth High.”
Year 13 student, Jess, added: “I’m just so happy.”
Another Year 13 student, Dominque, said: “I have really enjoyed my time at Plymouth High and I’m now very much looking forward to University.”
Simon Underdown, Headteacher at Plymouth High School for Girls, said: “I am delighted for our year 13 students, they have shown resilience and determination in the face of significant challenges. This was the year group that missed out on being in school for the last part of their GCSE courses, yet they approached their A levels with maturity and dedication. They have been a wonderful year group, involving themselves in the life of the school, supporting each other and working diligently throughout their sixth form study. I am delighted for each and every student and am confident that they will go on to realise their dreams and ambitions. On behalf of everyone at Plymouth High, I wish our students success and happiness in their future.”