How much Screen Time for a 6-year-old? Helpful Recommendations
As a parent, you probably feel nostalgic when you see some environmental elements that remind you of your childhood. You remember the days you spent dancing in the rain, building castles on the beachside, and playing jump ropes with your friends. Compared to this generation of kids, none of those memories is clouded by a crazy amount of screen time.
Excess screen time has many disadvantages for a child's early development. However, technology has evolved, and it is seemingly impossible to take screens out of a child's face. This begs the question of how much screen time for a 6-year-old is considered "excess." This article will attempt to answer the question while providing helpful recommendations for managing screen time in kids.
What Is the Recommended Screen Time for a 6-Year-Old?
According to the World Health Organization, the recommended screen time for a 6-year-old is one to two hours per day. However, there are certain exceptions, like cases of a lockdown, where classes and assignments were held digitally. Children's early years are paramount to their development, and kids who spend excess time on the screen are prone to lack creativity and basic motor skills.
Excess screen time has also been linked to some psychological problems. Early detection of these issues may not be possible as most parents are often unaware of the signs of a child's mental breakdown. However, if you use Premier PMI for kids, you can always take them for regular checkups for their physical and mental state. Nonetheless, the easiest and safest prevention method for a psychological problem is limiting excess screen time in kids, especially those aged six and below.
Signs of Excessive Screen Time in 6-Year-Olds
The most crucial helpful tip for every parent is to know the early signs of excessive screen time in children. Knowing these signs can allow you to take measures that will revert the situation. Some of these signs include
Poor Sleep Schedule
Children who spend a lot of time watching screens tend to have an irregular sleep schedule. Some kids even call the names of cartoon characters in their sleep. As a parent, be on the lookout and observe your child's sleep pattern.
Dislike People
Some kids may not like the presence of others for many reasons. But the minute a child prefers staring at a screen to talking with a friend or family member, the child is showing signs of excess screen time. In absurd scenarios, these kids cannot keep eye contact if they decide to have a discussion.
Behavior Issues
A child exposed to excess screen time can manifest many behavioral issues, including societal or emotional irregularities. A classic example is a child wailing around the home when the screen is taken from them.
Display of Violence
When a child starts displaying violence and unruly behaviour, it may be because they are imitating some screen characters. They tend to mimic the actions of these characters and cause chaos around the home. Such violence is an indication of excess screen time.
Helpful Recommendations to Manage Screen Time for 6-Year-Olds
Managing screen time for 6-year-olds and below is one skill every parent should have. Although there are different methods to tackle excess screen time, below is a list of five recommended proven tips to combat excess screen time.
1 Create Boundaries
Setting boundaries on when and where to use screens is an easy way to combat excess screen time. Asking designated areas of the house where they cannot use their screens. You can also set time frames, keeping in mind the recommended time by WHO, for when they can use screens.
2. Build on Physical Activities
Get creative as a parent and make physical activities attractive to the kids. Buy puzzles, board games, blocks, and other fun toys that can be fun while improving their development. You can also build obstacle courses around the home to keep them busy.
3. Take your kids for Regular Checkups
As stated earlier, you may not detect the signs of excess screen time in a kid as fast as a Medical practitioner would. If you are well concerned about the health of your kids, you can use insurance services like Premier PMI that offer kids' plans. With health insurance, your kids are covered for their routine checkups.
4. Monitor Their Screen Time
You do not have to be the boring parent who doesn't understand kids' shows. Engage and watch their shows with them during screen time. This method allows you to influence what they watch by choosing educational and creative content that can contribute to their growth.
5. Using Screen Time as a Reward
As a parent, you can modify screen time to make the kids do other activities around the house. You can create fun tasks that will contribute to their mental and physical development and offer a limited amount of screen time as the reward for doing those actions.
Balancing Screen Time With Other Activities for 6-Year-Olds
Screen time may continue to be a brain drain in children aged 6 and below if parents do not take action. As a parent, you must know how to balance screen time and other activities.
One proven method to create a balance is to spend a healthy amount of family time together. You can rent a car for a family trip to a serene island. You have to give kids an experience that is way more fun and memorable than spending time watching screens.