Will Aid open for business in Devon
A will-writing campaign that helps people to get their paperwork in order and raises money for charity is open for business.
Will Aid Month starts in November and lasts for just four weeks, linking people with participating solicitors in their area who prepare basic wills in exchange for a donation.
But there is a limit on available appointments which are expected to book up fast.
Campaign director Peter de Vena Franks said: “Will Aid is now open for business. You can make a November appointment right now and we suggest you do it as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
“Will Aid is a wonderful opportunity to not just make a will, but do it with the help of a professional with the added bonus of helping nine charities in the UK at the same time.
“We are delighted to have so many solicitors involved and willing to give up some of their precious time to help people who have made no provision for their estate.”
Will Aid has raised more than £17 million for charity since it launched more than 25 years ago.
The scheme takes place across the country from 01-30 November 2016 and supports nine of the UK’s best-loved charities - ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (N. Ireland).
The recommended donation for a basic Will Aid will is £95 for a single will and £150 for a pair of mirror wills.
For more information about Will Aid and details about how to book an appointment visit the website at www.willaid.org.uk