Shake your wake up!
Farmhouse Breakfast Week celebrates the most important meal of the day and is organised on behalf of UK cereal farmers and producers, who grow and make the foods we enjoy at breakfast.
TV chef and breakfast lover Dean Edwards is supporting Farmhouse Breakfast Week, encouraging the nation to tuck into breakfast for a healthy start to the day. Dean has developed a brand new breakfast recipe especially for the campaign to help inspire you to Shake Up Your Wake Up!
Research shows that eating breakfast can make you healthier and happier – giving you more energy, reducing stress levels, improving your concentration, mood and even helping you to manage your weight! Despite this, nearly half of us (47%) skip breakfast at some point during the week and 15 per cent don’t eat a morning meal at all.
Dean Edwards said: “In the morning rush breakfast can fall down the list of priorities but it makes such a difference to your day. Eating a good breakfast gives you energy and means you are less likely to reach for something unhealthy mid-morning. There are all sorts of different breakfasts you can have, from the quick and speedy for when you’re in a hurry, through to delicious breakfasts for laidback, lazy weekends.”
During Farmhouse Breakfast Week, hundreds of breakfast events will be taking place around the country. You can join in and find breakfast events near to you, vote in the Best Breakfast Awards or simply browse and try one of the many breakfast recipes on the website at www.shakeupyourwakeup.com
To help provide you with some inspiration, Dean shares one of his favourite breakfast recipes:
Dean Edwards' Breakfast Bruschetta
“Perfect for weekends and for entertaining if you have friends or family to stay and want to treat them in the morning. This dish is high in protein, so can help you to feel full for longer, and the tomatoes provide one of your five-a-day. It also tastes fantastic!”
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Serves 4
750g cherry tomatoes
3 tbsp cold pressed rapeseed oil
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 oval rustic loaf, cut into 4 long slices lengthways
300g unsmoked bacon
4 medium eggs, poached
2 tbsp chopped parsley
1. Preheat the oven to 200oC, gas mark 6
2. Place the tomatoes on a large baking tray and toss in 1 tbsp oil and balsamic vinegar, season and bake for 20 minutes until soft.
3. Meanwhile, brush the bread with the remaining oil, place on a baking tray and add to the oven for the last 10-12 minutes of cooking.
4. Place the bacon under a preheated grill for 7-8 minutes then cut into thick slices. Mix with the tomatoes and use to top the toasted bread.
5. Serve topped with a poached egg and sprinkle with parsley.
Photo below.
Cooks tip: add chopped garlic to the bread for extra flavour for brunch. Any remaining bread can be made into breadcrumbs and frozen for use at a later date.