Hair Transplants in Turkey: Why Brits are Flocking to Istanbul

Amy Fenton
Authored by Amy Fenton
Posted: Monday, August 26, 2024 - 10:46

A hair transplant is a procedure that involves moving hair from one part of the body to a bald area of the head. The procedure must be conducted by a dermatologist or surgeon who has specialized in the sub-specialty for a successful operation. Turkey is known for its affordability and quality healthcare and that’s why over two million people have visited Turkey for various medical procedures. Istanbul, Turkey’s capital is known for its prowess in hair transplants and that has catapulted Turkey into a destination for medical tourists. Read on and learn why Brits are flocking Istanbul for hair transplants.

Global Hub for Hair Transplants

Istanbul is known for having cheaper alternatives for hair transplant patients in Europe. Anadolu Press Agency reported that about 500,000 people visited Turkey for hair transplant in 2022. About 60,000 people from the UK visit Turkey every year for a hair transplant which indicated Turkey’s importance in the medical tourism industry. There are over 350 hair transplant clinics in Turkey which gives prospective clients great options. In addition to having numerous options Istanbul also offers historical appeal with it’s amazing architectural designs that amaze visitors. Another reason why many patients visit Turkey is because there have experienced doctors with great facilities and among the best hair transplant surgeons, is Dr Cinik who is a leading figure in the hair transplant business.

Reasons for UK Patient Interest

There is a stark comparison between prices for a hair transplant procedure in the UK and Turkey. UK patients cough up £10,000-£15,000 while those who travel to Turkey pay a maximum of £4,000. A hair transplant procedure costs between £2,000 to £4,000 and additional accommodation and flight costs could bring the price to £7,500.

Costs may be an important driving factor for medical tourists but techniques such as the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) done by over 90% if the clinics in Turkey. Also the experience Turkish doctors possess is extra-ordinary since they perform 300 to 500 procedures in a year.

Clinics also offer all inclusive packages to cushion the costs of travel, accommodation and hair transplant procedure. In addition to great packages, patients get reduced wait times of less than a month unlike the UK which could take more than six months.

Patients must pay out of pocket because the NHS doesn’t cover the procedure. NHS services are dependent on your immigration status and the type of service sought for coverage. NHS covers the social aspect of health and hair transplant isn’t considered as a social need because it is cosmetic surgery.

About 70% of patients have used the hair transplant surgery as a great excuse for travelling. The great packages offered by clinics and the appeal Turkey possesses is irresistible for most UK patients.

The Hair Transplant process in Turkey


You must have an initial consultation where you must talk to your surgeon via online means for about 30 minutes. The surgeon will explain what will happen during the procedure and the possible outcomes. To prepare for the surgery you must stop any medication prior to the surgery and most importantly consumption of alcohol is ill advised.

It is important to arrive one day before the surgery so that HIV, Hepatitis B and C tests are done. Other pre-operative examinations include checking blood sugar and hormonal levels. Patients also go through an imaging test which enables the doctor to determine the surgical approach. The experience might be overwhelming because you may not have a particular hairline in mind.

The procedure takes an average of six to eight hours whereby 3,000 to 4,000 grafts are transplanted. Hair follicles are extracted using the FUE technique. The surgeon extracts them from the back of the head under local anaesthesia and implants them on the bald area. After the surgery patients are advised to rest, avoid physical exercise for a week and avoid alcohol for three days. Others are instructed to wash their hair gently so that the scrubs fall off.

The numbness and itchiness is common after the surgery and patients are advised not to scratch their head. The transplanted hair sheds off after two of three weeks which marks the healing process. Then hair starts growing two to three months after surgery. You must do some online follow ups with your surgeon so that they check on your progress and recommend hormonal drugs that will support hair growth.

Results on Patient Satisfaction

After three months patients will start seeing results and about 85% to 90% of the patients have expressed satisfaction after their surgeries. Patients go through a rollercoaster of emotions because the before the surgery they are filled with dread of what to expect and after they are filled with hope of what to expect after the transplant. At times not all transplants may be deemed as 100% successful because age affects the hormonal imbalance that may cause the hair loss. The extent of the hair loss may be too far gone for any tangible results and other patients may require another procedure for tangible results.

Risks and Precautions

There is a 5 to 10% risk of infection after the surgery and around the time hair grows patients may experience folliculitis. It is important to take the prescribed medication after surgery and gently massage your scalp to minimize risks of complications.

It is important to read reviews and got through web sites such as WebMD to learn about the procedure. For those seeking to travel to Turkey for a hair transplant a medical travel insurance cover of about £50 to £100 which will cover things such as lost luggage and trip cancellations.