Neurology team recruit patients for MS study
The Neurology Research Team at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, were the first clinical research site in the UK to recruit a participant to an international observational study of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
The team are also leading the recruitment worldwide, after recruiting 50% of their target within their first week.
Led in Plymouth by Consultant Neurologist, Professor Jeremy Hobart, the observational trial will look at the long term safety of a newly-licensed, disease-modifying treatment for people with relapsing forms of MS, known scientifically as Alemtuzumab.
Patients recruited onto the study will be monitored carefully for five years after their treatment.
Professor Hobart said: “We are delighted to be the first site in the UK to recruit people to the trial, to have recruited 50% of our target within our first week and to be leading the recruitment worldwide. We now expect to exceed our recruitment target.
“This is an excellent study and a fantastic opportunity for local people with MS who are treated with Alemtuzumab. Lots of evidence indicates that people participating in clinical trials have a superior health care experience because of the closer monitoring and contacts with health care professionals by virtue of the study protocol.
“The fact that this study offers long term monitoring for five years is great. So we are delighted to be able to offer participation to local people. We hope to be given the green light to increase our recruitment allocation so that more people can benefit.
“This success could not have been achieved without the genuine team work between the research nurses and the service line.”
Catherine Harden the team leader for Neurology commented that success was down to the close working relationship between the Principal Investigator, Professor Hobart, the Neurology Research Nurses led by Marie Roy and the hospitals neurology department. This study is an example of excellent team working and the effectiveness of research being embedded in the Trust’s core business.
One of the participants to be recruited to the study at Plymouth Hospitals is Polly, who said: “It is quite exciting to be included in this trial for MS. I am very grateful that I have been able to receive this new medication and it is very exciting even at this early stage of my treatment to see some improvement.
“Hopefully the results of this trial will help us understand more about MS, especially for future generations to come. For myself it has given me new hope and I am able to continue looking after my little family.”
The international sponsor of the study said: “I am very excited to inform you that the first patient in the UK and Ireland has been enrolled onto the study. Well done to Professor Hobart and his very efficient team in Plymouth! On a global level, this was the 4th site activated (of 203 potential sites) and the 5th patient enrolled (of a possible 5000) to the study. An impressive feat indeed.”