Plymouth midwives reassure mums-to-be
Midwives at Derriford Hospital would like to re-assure their mums-to-be following a high profile story that has been broadcasting as part of an Eastenders storyline.
Nicola Phillips, Maternity Matron, explains: "Following the broadcast of the story on Monday we have received a flurry of calls from mums-to-be who are worried about reduced fetal movements. It is important that there is awareness of this subject and we would like to reassure mums that fetal movements will vary from pregnancy to pregnancy.
“This is the advice we give mums-to-be:
- Most women are aware of fetal movements by 20 weeks of gestation. Although fetal movements tend to plateau at 32 weeks of gestation, there is no reduction in the frequency of fetal movements in the late third trimester.
- The normal fetus is active and capable of physical movement, and goes through periods of both rest and sleep.
- Women should be advised of the need to be aware of fetal movements up to and including the onset of labour and should report any decrease or cessation of fetal movements to their maternity unit.
- Fetal activity is influenced by a wide variety of factors. There is some evidence that women perceive most fetal movements when lying down, fewer when sitting and fewest while standing. It is therefore not surprising that pregnant women who are busy and not concentrating on fetal activity often report a misperception of a reduction of fetal movements.
- When attention is paid to fetal activity in a quiet room and careful recordings are made, fetal movements that were not previously perceived are often recognised clearly.
- Women should be advised to be aware of their baby’s individual pattern of movements. If they are concerned about a reduction in or cessation of fetal movements after 28+0weeks of gestation, they should contact their maternity unit.
- Women who are concerned about reduced fetal movement should not wait until the next day for assessment of fetal wellbeing.
“If women are unsure whether movements are reduced after 28+0 weeks of gestation, they should be advised to lie on their left side and focus on fetal movements for 2 hours. If they do not feel 10 or more discrete movements in 2 hours, they should contact their midwife or maternity unit immediately.”