Popular garden waste scheme restarts
Plymouth’s popular garden waste collection is starting up again from 30 March.
This year the scheme will be extended by a month until the end of November so that people can sweep up autumn leaves and put their garden to bed for the winter.
The collection operates every fortnight – the same week that people’s recycling is collected.
The service starts just ahead of the Easter holidays, and services will not be affected on the week beginning 30 March, but the following week the normal household and recycling collections will be picked up a day later. So:
• Monday 6 April collections will be picked up on Tuesday 7 April
• Tuesday 7 April collections will be picked up Wednesday 8 April
• Wednesday 8 April collections will be picked up on Thursday 9 April
• Thursday 9 April collections will be picked up on Friday 10 April.
Garden waste scheme collects:
- Grass cuttings
- Hedge trimmings and twigs
- Branches up to the size of your wrist
- Old plants, cut flowers and weeds (but not Japanese knotweed, ragwort or other aggressive weeds)
Do not spoil the material for composting by putting items that cannot be composted. Items often found are:
- Stones and soil
- Plants pots and trays
- Garden ornaments
Councillor Brian Vincent, Cabinet member for the Environment added: “This is a very popular scheme and I am delighted we are able to extend it another month later this year. Last year we collected nearly 4,300 tonnes of garden waste on our rounds – not only does this keep organic matter from being disposed of, which is good for the environment, but it also means we do not have to pay disposal charges.”
A calendar with collection dates has been sent to homes with the Council Tax bill and it is also available online at www.plymouth.gov.uk.
People can sign up to e-alerts about bins, recycling and waste. For more information visit www.plymouth.gov.uk and click on the 'stay in the loop' on the home page.