Police shed some light on summer thefts
This summer, Devon and Cornwall Police are encouraging homeowners to take simple security measures to help secure their shed and contents from opportunist thieves.
People in the UK are spending more and more leisure time in the garden so the value of the items within our sheds has risen, making these areas attractive to thieves.
Simple tips such as locking sheds and putting expensive equipment away in secure locations after use are important. Property such as bikes, power tools, lawnmowers, garden furniture or ornaments as well as sporting equipment are sought after items.
Bob Bunney, Devon and Cornwall Police Crime Reduction Lead said: “A good place to begin to secure your shed is to make all access points difficult to reach or use.
"Some good deterrents include checking your shed for any damage before the summer and making the relevant repairs to ensure your shed is as strong as possible. Make sure you fit strong shackle padlocks to the shed door and mesh to the windows.
“Additional security measures such as ensuring fencing and gates are all in good condition, installing security lighting around your house and considering using gravel on driveways will help deter opportunist thieves”.
“Undertaking these security measures this summer can be the difference between enjoying your leisure time in the garden and becoming a victim of crime.”
Top tips to ensure your shed is as secure as possible:
- Keep your shed in good condition.
- Fit a strong closed shackle padlock to the door.
- Fit grilles or mesh to any windows.
- Lock away all valuable tools, equipment and ladders.
- Invest in a shed alarm.
- Mark any valuable equipment appropriately.
Over the coming month’s new posters and leaflets, along with advice through social media will be offered to the public across Devon and Cornwall to help secure their sheds from opportunist thieves.
For more advice on preventing shed thefts visit our website or contact your neighbourhood policing team at www.devon-cornwall.police.uk.
If you need to report a shed theft, contact the police on 101 or email 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk . In the event of an emergency dial 999.