East Devon families raise thousands for children diagnosed with cancer
Donations from loved ones at East Devon Crematorium could help a local family stay close to their child as they undergo treatment for cancer miles away from home.
A total of £20,000 was raised for Young Lives vs Cancer thanks to the generosity of families who agree for any metals which remain after cremation to be recycled.
According to Young Lives vs Cancer, this large donation could fund 308 nights in one of its ‘Homes from Home'. These are homes that provide free accommodation to families during treatment and are situated very close to hospitals including Bristol Children's Hospital.
Katherine Sawyer, the charity's Fundraising & Engagement Manager for Devon, Cornwall and Somerset, said: "The donation from East Devon Crematorium is one of the largest we have ever received from the recycling scheme. I was completely blown away as it will allow us to help and support so many families when they need us most.
"Some of the things this money could help to fund include social workers to assist with the mental health impact of cancer, financial grants to families who are struggling with the additional costs of having a child with cancer, or palliative or bereavement support.
"The donation will make a huge impact! We are so very grateful to East Devon Crematorium as, without wonderful people like them, we simply couldn't do what we do."
This latest recycling initiative was run with the support of the precious metal recovery company, RSBruce.
Craig Mounty, Team Manager at the crematorium in Whimple, said: "Young Lives vs Cancer, which is based in Bristol, helps children and their families find the strength to face whatever cancer throws at them. It is a real privilege to support such an invaluable cause."
Set in 10 acres of grounds, East Devon Crematorium is complete with landscaped memorial gardens, established woodland with ponds and areas of wildflowers and grasses.
To find out more about East Devon Crematorium, visit www.eastdevoncrematorium.co.uk or www.facebook.com/EastDevonCrematorium.
Or to find out more about Young Lives vs Cancer, an operating name of CLIC Sargent Cancer Care for Children, visit www.younglivesvscancer.org.uk/.