Plymouth says ENOUGH — no more excuses: Let’s end violence against women and girls
Local women’s charity Trevi has launched its city-wide campaign for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and says ENOUGH!
Over the last five years, the number of domestic abuse incidents has been increasing in Plymouth, and it accounts for 27% of all violent crimes in the city compared to the national average of 16%. Last year alone, there were 6,933 reported cases of domestic abuse, an increase of 21% from the previous year.1
Trevi’s campaign is simple: ENOUGH. They want to spread this message across Plymouth urging people to take action in helping end violence against women and girls, and everyone can be involved. They are working in partnership with Plymouth City Council, the NSPCC, Devon & Cornwall Police, First Light, M.A.N Culture Plymouth, Plymouth Domestic Abuse Services and the Plymouth NHS Trust organisations to amplify their message through billboards, artist walls, and a social media campaign.
Across the City, visual messages will be popping up which will encourage people to become part of the movement, which as Trevi explains, is ‘simple.’
Hannah Shead, Trevi CEO, says, ‘Our campaign message is clear: if you see it, call it out or report it. If you are experiencing it, seek help and support.
‘Violence against women is learned. Each of us must examine - and change - how our own behaviour might enable, ignore or excuse all such forms of violence.
‘As partners working together in the city, we are committed to creating positive cultural change around violence against women and girls.
We want to live in a community that does not tolerate a society where women and girls are in danger of harm and abuse.’
As we think about those women affected by domestic abuse as well as those brutally murdered in the past, our organisations come together united in demanding an end to violence against women and children.
16 Days of Activism is an international campaign originally launched by the Centre for Women's Global Leadership to raise awareness of and prevent violence against women and girls.
An estimated 132,300 women and girls live in Plymouth, with 107,600 over 16. Based on the ONS estimate of 1 in 3 women likely to have been subjected to at least one form of harassment in the last year, that’s around 36,000 women!
Sarah escaped an abusive relationship, she struggled with mental health, and self-confidence. She has been supported by the Sunflower Women’s Centre and says, ‘When I went to Sunflower, I was at the lowest point in my life; I didn’t see a way out. The team at Sunflower gave me support and empowered me to take back my life. Not only did they support me to heal from the domestic abuse, but they also helped me to notice red flags for future relationships. I never imagined I would have the confidence to work again, but after the support Sunflower has given me I have now been able to secure paid employment. Being able to provide for my daughter is everything to me; I feel like none of this would have been possible without Sunflower.’
Locally, Trevi and partner organisations will focus on engaging communities both publicly and professionally to go beyond 16 days to all 365 days a year, advocating an adequate shift in practice to end violence against women and girls. They are particularly focused on engaging men and aim to shift societal attitudes, systems and behaviours around masculinity that help to perpetuate gender inequality and, therefore, men’s violence against women. Local organisation M.A.N Culture is also supporting the campaign.
Matt Garrett from M.A.N Culture says, ‘M.A.N Culture is supporting this campaign as we agree that it is time to say ENOUGH. We are working in partnership across Plymouth to bring a change in attitudes and actions, by working with men and boys to start a conversation about cultural norms and expectations. Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) is not OK, and it never has been - It is time that we all stand together to bring it to an end.’
With the ENOUGH campaign spanning across a diverse range of media in Plymouth, many other activities are planned by partners during the 16 days to raise awareness of how professionals, communities, and individuals can understand, learn, support or get help.
Ultimately, the Plymouth partners are committed to driving the cultural change needed to challenge violence against women and girls in the city. Their specialities and strengths come together to support better women and girls who have been affected by male violence and abuse and to create safe spaces for women.
Plymouth is saying ENOUGH. They are pioneering the way in ending violence against women and girls and you can be part of it!
If you would like to know how you can take an active role in supporting the ENOUGH campaign and ongoing work in ending violence against women and girls, or if you or someone you know needs support, then please visit www.endvawg.org.uk