Vulnerable at risk as cold spell hits
Public Health England are warning people to take extra care as temperatures tumble.
This weather could increase the health risks to vulnerable people and PHE is urging everyone to keep an eye on weather forecasts and look out for vulnerable friends and neighbours over the cold snap.
Dr Angie Bone, head of Extreme Events at Public Health England, said: "Weather like this is not unusual for this time of year, but during very cold weather it’s important we take extra care to keep safe and healthy. We encourage people to keep an eye on the forecast and take the weather into account when planning activities over the following days.
"We also advise people to keep active in the home, have plenty of warm food and drinks, and maintain indoor temperatures to at least 18°C, particularly the older or very young, people with pre-existing health conditions, or who are not very mobile. These groups can be particularly vulnerable to the ill-effects of cold.
"Also take some time to think about how the bad weather may affect your friends, family and neighbours: it’s important we all do what we can to protect those around us.
"If you do need to go out, remember to wear lots of thin layers and shoes with a good, slip-resistant grip to prevent any accidental falls."
The Cold Weather Plan for England sets out a series of actions that health and social care organisations, voluntary groups, and individuals can take and plan for cold temperatures to help reduce cold-related illnesses and deaths.