Ban on smoking in cars comes in time for Stoptober
A new ban on smoking in cars comes into effect just as people in Plymouth are being urged to quit smoking for Stoptober.
From 1 October 2015, it will be illegal to smoke in a car (or other vehicles) with anyone under 18 present. The law is changing to protect children and young people from the dangers of secondhand smoke.
The new law, which will see both drivers and smokers fined £50, coincides with the launch of Stoptober, Public Health England’s annual 28 day stop smoking event, which last year helped 260,000 quit smoking. Plymouth is one of a number of cities that will host the Stoptober Roadshow, with an event at the Piazza on Tuesday 29 September which will include entertainment from Britain’s Got Talent finalists Faces of Disco.
Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Public Health for Plymouth City Council, said: “The ban on smoking in cars is another incentive for people to quit smoking.
“This is about protecting our children and young people. Every time a child breathes in secondhand smoke, they breathe in thousands of chemicals. This puts them at risk of serious conditions including meningitis, cancer, bronchitis and pneumonia. It can also make asthma worse.
“So why not set yourself the challenge of quitting smoking this Stoptober? Do it for yourself, for your children and for your health.”
Professor Kelechi Nnoaham, Director of Public Health for Plymouth City Council, said: “We welcome anything that encourages people to quit smoking. We know that in Plymouth, smoking is one of four lifestyle behaviours – along with excessive drinking, inactivity and poor diet –that together contribute to four chronic conditions and 54 per cent of deaths in Plymouth. This is why our Thrive Plymouth ten year framework for improving health in the city is prioritising reducing smoking rates in the city.”
The law applies to every driver in England and Wales, including those aged 17 and those with a provisional driving licence. The law does not apply if the driver is 17 years old and is on their own in the car.
For more information about the new law click here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/smoking-in-vehicles
For more information on how you can sign up for Stoptober, go to www.smokefree.nhs.uk/stoptober
If you live in Plymouth and want help to give up smoking, you can also call the Livewell Stop Smoking Service on 01752 437177.