Mums-to-be ask the anaesthetist
A new pilot service being trialled by the Maternity Unit at Derriford Hospital will provide anaesthetist-led antenatal classes to mums-to-be.
Consultant Anaesthetist Juliet Barker said: “The class will inform mums-to-be about the more advanced techniques of pain relief and anaesthetics that might be used in labour and delivery. It is aimed at any pregnant lady, and her partner, who feels she would like to know more information than is provided by the standard antenatal class.
“Having time to explore the ideas of pain relief options before labour can help ease worries and make women feel more comfortable and involved with their hopes for labour and birth.”
The sessions will last around an hour and the anaesthetist will lead a discussion about epidurals, patient controlled analgesia in labour, spinal anaesthetic if surgery of any sort is needed, and general anaesthetic. The exact content will vary depending on what each group want to talk about.
The current dates are:
Tuesday 23rd June
Wednesday 22nd July
Monday 24th August
The sessions will take place from 6.00pm – 7.00pm in the Maternity Seminar Room, level 5, Derriford Hospital. The sessions are intended to be an informal get together so no appointment is necessary, interested mums-to-be can just turn up.