Parents of premature babies celebrate World Prematurity Day
Mums, dads, babies and children joined staff on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for celebrations, ahead of World Prematurity Day.
Sunday 17 November is World Prematurity Day, aimed at raising awareness of babies who are born too soon.
Staff on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit held a special cake sale and invited up parents, who had previously been on the unit, and their babies, to join them for the celebrations.
Katie Oakes, Ward Manager of the Neonatal Unit, explained: “We wanted to do something to mark World Prematurity Day and what better way than to celebrate with parents and their babies.
“We have so much support from parents and it has been so lovely to see so many of them join us today. We’ve also had a fantastic response with our cake sale and we are very grateful to everyone who helped out with the cake baking and the eating!
“We have asked the parents what they would like to see the proceeds go towards – what they feel might make life better for other parents who are on the unit. After some discussion, they have told us they would like to see it go towards parental accommodation.”
One of the mums who joined in the celebrations was Lisa who gave birth to twins Charlotte and Lily on December 3 2012. The twins were 13 weeks early and spent nearly three months on the unit. Lisa recalls how her and her fiancé Kyle, couldn’t touch them at first because their skin was so delicate. She said: “We just had to stare at them through a box.”
Nearly a year on and Lisa and her girls joined other parents on the unit today. Lisa said: “The NICU staff are absolutely amazing – I feel like I owe them everything. They saved our babies lives.”
Lisa shared her story with The Herald and told them: “I wanted to share our story to raise awareness for premature babies, to say a massive thank you to all the staff at Derriford Hospital and to let people know that they’re not alone.”
Another mum, Mandy, also attended the event with her husband Darren and their 16 month old daughter Lia. Lia was born 14 weeks early after Mandy suffered a womb infection. Lia spent a couple of months in hospital. Mandy said: “Without this unit, Lia wouldn’t be here. You don’t realise this unit is here until you need it. The care she had from the staff was top class; they’re like your family.”
Speaking about the event, Mandy said: “It really makes you appreciate what you have.”