Last chance to sign up to innovative solar panel group buying scheme
Devon residents have until the end of Monday 5 October to join more than 2,500 others and register their interest in Devon Climate Emergency’s (DCE) solar-panel group buying scheme.
Devon Solar Together is the latest in a series of similar schemes across the country which aims to boost the county’s renewable energy capacity.
It offers homeowners the chance to buy high quality solar PV more cheaply than if they were buying alone and to help reduce Devon carbon emissions.
The DCE, which includes Devon Country Council, the county’s eight district council’s and two National Park Authorities, is currently drafting a Carbon Plan, the county’s roadmap to net-zero.
More than a fifth of Devon’s carbon emissions are generated by our homes, and so far more than 2,500 Devon households have registered their interest in the scheme.
If every one of those homes installed solar panels it would reduce the amount of carbon entering the atmosphere by almost 50,000 tonnes.
The first step is to register online, without obligation, before Tuesday 6 October. Then pre-vetted suppliers participate in an auction.
Then, from 26 October, registered households will receive a personal recommendation, specific to the details they submitted in their registration.
Dr Phil Norrey, Chairman of the DCE Response Group, said; “Given that our homes produce more than a fifth of carbon emissions in Devon this scheme gives homeowners the chance to reduce their emissions.
“The DCE is committed to ensuring that Devon is net-zero by 2050 at the very latest.
“We will all have to take responsibility for our own carbon footprints and Devon Solar Together offers homeowners a chance to be part of the solution.
“So, if you are thinking of installing solar panels on your homes, I would encourage you to register before October 6 to see what Devon Solar together has to offer.”
Marie-Louise Abretti, Manager of Solar Together said: “Now more than ever we are looking for opportunities to save on our home energy bills, increase our independence from the grid, and reduce carbon emissions. Solar Together offers residents in Devon a straightforward way to get a competitive deal on a quality installation from a trusted provider.”