500 families given a roof over their heads as HouseLet scheme turns eight
500 families have been given a roof over their head by Plymouth’s City Council’s HouseLet scheme that is celebrating its 8th anniversary this month.
HouseLet gives people temporary accommodation before they’re offered permanent housing.
There are currently 43 landlords signed up to the scheme with another eleven in the pipeline. HouseLet has a range of two and three bedroom houses across the city to cater for the needs of families.
Councillor Chris Penberthy, Cabinet Member for Co-operatives and Community Development said: “HouseLet is a really important scheme for us. We can provide homeless families with an alternative to bed and breakfast accommodation and it is cost efficient. Landlords also get a great deal with guaranteed income and it means empty properties don’t stay that way for long.”
HouseLet offers owners a guaranteed rental income, free professional property management and other incentives in return for handing over their empty properties.
The scheme is also now self-financing thanks to work with our partners, Tamar Housing Society, who manage the properties and tenants.