ArtMakers announces partnership with Arlington Court

Authored by Mary
Posted: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 - 06:39

ArtMakers, a renowned art organisation dedicated to fostering creativity, supporting artists and community engagement, is delighted to announce its partnership with Arlington Court, a prominent property in North Devon, under the care of the National Trust. 

This unique collaboration aims to bring together art enthusiasts, National Trust members and tourists through a series of captivating workshops and events set to be hosted throughout the summer. 

The partnership will officially launch in June, with a focal weekend being the 24th and 25th, coinciding with the highly anticipated National Trust Summer Fete. This exciting collaboration marks the first-ever partnership between ArtMakers and the National Trust in North Devon, creating a unique opportunity for art lovers to experience a fusion of creativity and heritage.

ArtMakers will host a series of engaging workshops covering a range of artistic disciplines. Participants will have the opportunity to explore various art forms, including jewellery making and block painting, guided by skilled and experienced artists. These workshops will not only foster creativity but also encourage individuals to develop new skills and discover their artistic potential.

Arlington Court will be the first location where the New Atlantic Wave will be publicly exhibited this year, providing an exclusive opportunity for art enthusiasts to immerse themselves in this captivating artistic expression. Currently, seven talented New Atlantic Wave artists and ArtMakers members have workshops as part of this exciting initiative, ensuring a diverse range of artistic perspectives and techniques. 

June 7  Lucy Sheffield - Learn How to Paint 
June 14 Adeal Webb  - Mosaic Making
June 21 Sharon Gale - Paint & Decoupage
June 24 Vanessa Ebdon - Introduction to Wirework
June 25 Annabel Hill - Fabric Painting
June 30 Clare Willcocks - Painting
July 1 & 2 Maryn Chesterman - Block Printing

Phil Parker, founder of ArtMakers says: “ArtMakers and Arlington Court are thrilled to embark on this collaborative journey, bringing together art, heritage and community in a way that points to the future of art cultural activities in North Devon.”

This partnership aims to inspire creativity, nurture artistic talent, and create a lasting impact on both local residents and visitors.

For more details, or to book, visit ArtMakers on Eventbrite

Image credit: National Trust Images / Chris Lacey

