Bring a baby to help beat world record!
The call has gone out to all mums, dads, grandparents and carers to help bag the record for the most babies gathered together in one spot and held in a carrier or sling.
The world beating attempt is being held on Saturday, September 17th at 1:30pm at the Plymouth Piazza.
Registration starts from 11am and anyone who would like to borrow a carrier or sling is asked to call Eva’s World on 01752 600843. (CRRCT)
The idea is the brainchild of baby shop owner Christina Farley, who owns Eva’s World in Plymouth City Centre.
She is not only hoping to set the new world record but also raise awareness of the benefits of carrying babies close to the body.
Christina, who named her shop after her daughter Eva, said: “We gathered about 150 people and babies together at a recent baby fair and the lovely sight of it made me cry.
“It’s such a great way to carry babies and toddlers because they feel closer to you. Baby wearers understand how important it is for their security and happiness.
“Babies just feel more settled and the benefits for parents and children are amazing. I use them all the time and end up using my pram as a shopping trolley.
“It would be great to set a record but it’s also about raising awareness of the benefits of using slings and carriers.”
Everyone taking part should be paired with a child under 1m or 39in tall and to meet Guinness’s strict criteria the youngsters have to remain in their slings for a full five minutes.
Christina and her team will be submitting photographic and video evidence so the event will be recorded for Guinness and prosperity.
They need a minimum of 250 babies in slings to qualify but are hoping to set a new record of more than 300.