Calling East Devon Christmas shoppers to Please Stop Here
East Devon District Council has launched a Christmas campaign to encourage all residents to shop locally for all their Christmas gifts and food this year.
A study* shows that half of UK adults plan to make the most of Christmas 2021, with 30% of locals in the South West intending to spend more money than last year. East Devon District Council is working with local businesses and high streets to promote the wide range of amazing products available locally.
Cllr Paul Hayward, East Devon District Council's Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economy and Assets, said:
“Christmas is a key season for our high streets and there are many benefits for shopping locally, it helps boost the economy as reports show that with roughly 63pence of every £1 spent at small or medium sized businesses stays within the local economy, compared with 40p spent with large businesses. It also more environmentally friendly to shop locally as there is a smaller carbon footprint. Small and medium sized businesses are also vital in keeping character and individuality to our high streets.”
As the children of East Devon put out their Santa Stop Here signs, our businesses will be putting out their Please Shop Here/Please Stop Here signs in their shop windows, to entice shoppers in. This will also be supported by an advertising campaign which will include videos, social media contact, stencils and A boards to help drive footfall to East Devon’s high streets.
Mr Ian Harbour from The Honiton Pottery Workshop with the please stop here sign, said:
"It’s really important for people to shop locally so that they know that they are supporting local workers and producers. Shopping locally contributes to the local economy and ensures the longevity of a thriving and diverse high street with greater choice for shoppers."
Gem from Honiton's The Coastal Boutique pictured with the please shop here sign, said: “Residents can really make a difference to our town by shopping locally. It’s good for our high street, our environment and our economy.”
John Wycherley from Sidmouth Gifts is supporting the please shop here campaign. He said: “You can buy all kinds of gifts for Christmas if you shop locally – you really don’t need to travel far or shop online because there’s so much choice right here!”
Karen and Lucy from Whoops A Daisy Florist in Sidmouth pictured with the please stop here sign, said: “It’s so important for people to shop in the town and support local businesses to help our High Streets thrive. There’s lots of choice so why go anywhere else?”
This campaign is funded by the European Regional Development Fund's Welcome Back Fund and there will also be another phase of the campaign launching in the New Year, promoting East Devon as a destination to attract tourism to this diverse and beautiful part of Devon.
The campaign strapline is #EastDevonly which is being introduced within the Christmas campaign and will be carried through to the tourism campaign. East Devonly has been derived from adverb words that help to describe the attributes of East Devon such as enticingly, surprisingly, sustainably, deliciously, wildly, beautifully, culturally and these will be developed further with supporting imagery.
If any businesses would like a window sticker or to find out more they are invited to contact: communications@eastdevon.gov.uk
East Devon District Council has procured marketing and communications support to deliver creative, innovative and engaging visitor campaigns for Christmas 2021 and spring 2022. The focus of the Spring campaign is to promote opportunities for day and overnight visits to East Devon to support the recovery of the visitor economy from Covid-19. The Christmas campaign will encourage residents to ‘shop local’ on their local towns and villages.