Children encouraged to be more active this summer
More children than ever took part in this year’s Summer Reading Challenge set by Devon County Council‘s libraries to help avoid a common dip in reading ability over summer holidays.
The Council has run the Summer Reading Challenge for years, but this year they went further, encouraging physical activity among young people as well as improving reading ability.
2,000 children across North Devon took part in a pilot that drew together the activity and reading challenges.
Children received Active Summer goody bags that included pedometers, a ‘Pedometer Challenge’ activity sheet with prizes donated by Tesco, as well as word-searches and more.
Over the summer holidays, children clocked up thousands of steps, with many saying that the pedometers encouraged them to walk more than they usually did.
Eight North Devon libraries piloting the activity recorded a 54 per cent increase in the number of children completing the Summer Reading Challenge, compared to a 29 per cent increase in libraries not piloting the additional physical activity.
Elsewhere the Council organised dance work shops in libraries to encourage children to create their own movement and develop dance sequences based on the rhythm of the text. 125 children took part in workshops in the nine libraries taking part.
Parents and children loved the additional challenges.
“My children absolutely loved the pedometer – they actually took up jogging with me in the mornings!” said one parent in Barnstaple.
“We have definitely been out and about a lot more as a result of the (goody) bag and the pedometer, so all feel a bit proud of ourselves and how active we’ve been this holiday – thank you!”, says a parent from Appledore.
“It was a real departure for a library activity – to have a dance activity going on while the library was open was something very new!”, said the parent of a child who had enjoyed one of the dance sessions.
The pilot was a joint initiative between the Council’s library service and public health team. It was supported by ‘Dance in Devon’ and Sallie McKay-Roper, community champion for Tesco Bideford.
Councillor Roger Croad, the Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for libraries said: “The Summer Reading Challenge has been running for 14 years, and each year it’s proven popular. Children enjoy it, parents love it, and schools are pleased not to see a drop in younger children’s reading ability over the holiday time.
“This year we’re delighted to have combined the reading challenge with the physical challenges. The two have complemented each other well, and we’ll consider extending the challenge again next year.”
Councillor Andrea Davis, the Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for public health, said: “Evidence shows that inactivity for long periods, except when asleep, can increase children’s risk of poor health. It’s therefore important for children to be active every day for their healthy growth and development. Activity of any intensity should be encouraged, from light activity to more energetic physical activity.
“Thousands of children and parents make regular visits to their nearest libraries making this an excellent way to reach families with health and lifestyle messages.
“We’ve had some extremely positive feedback from children and their parents, who have really enjoyed the opportunity to be more active this summer.”