City bike hire contract awarded to Rockets and Rascals
Plymouth's plan to get more people peddling along the waterfront is firing up with specialists Rockets and Rascals awarded the contract to set up a cycle hire service.
The company was the winning bidder in a procurement bid to run a service beneath the arches at Commercial Wharf and at Royal William Yard's Firestone Arches as part of the Coastal Communities Fund package.
Plymouth City Council successfully bid for £670,400 from the Coastal Communities Fund for cycle improvements from the Barbican to the Royal William Yard which included hire facilities at each end of the route.
Deputy Leader Peter Smith said: "Our bid was to get more visitors and local people to enjoy our spectacular waterfront by bike. A leisurely ride with a few 'rest' stops sounds an ideal way of spending time in Plymouth.
"More and more people are waking up to the benefits of cycling - not just for getting to and from work and the health benefits, but for gentle and fun days out for almost every age. We need to make it as easy as possible for people get cycling."
The contract is provide to cycle hire services for three years with an option to extend the contract for two years. Under the scheme up to £25,000 funding was available towards cycles, trailers and other equipment.
Rockets and Rascals already run a bike shop and cafe on the Barbican and have pledged to provide a hire service 364 days a year as part of their proposal. They intend to be fully sustainable by the end of three years and said their proposal would generate five full time positions, including an apprentice as well as casual labour in summer.
Councillor Smith added: "We had four bids and would like to thank those who took the time to pitch to us. We felt that Rockets and Rascals offered something extra - they are passionate about cycling, already link in with community events and activities for cyclists in the city and we think they are the right people for the job."
Steve Toze, Director of Rockets and Rascals, said: "We're delighted to have been awarded the bid. Cycling is an infectious way of spending your time and Plymouth has the potential to be one of the best cycling cities in the world. We are in an envious position in terms of location and what the city has to offer."
Chris Arscott chair of the Plymouth Waterfront Partnership said: "Day trippers might not bring their bikes with them, but a hiring service which will encourage people along our magnificent waterfront with show-stopping heritage at either end, will add to a great experience of Plymouth."
Chairman of Destination Plymouth, Duncan Currall said: "We are delighted at the new opportunities that the cycling project brings for Plymouth businesses and visitors. Cyclists are known to spend slightly more than average when they come to destinations and Plymouth has some of the best cycling areas in the UK. We want to put Plymouth firmly on the map nationally as a great place to visit for cycling holidays."
The Council says it is likely to be Easter 2014 before the fit out of the sheds is complete and they are in a condition whereby an operator can begin trading from the sheds.