Clinical commissioning group AGM
The inaugural annual General Meeting (AGM) of the organisation responsible for commissioning, or buying, most healthcare services for Devon and Plymouth takes place on Wednesday 17 September 2014, from 2:30pm.
Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NEW Devon CCG) is hosting the meeting at Exeter Racecourse and it is open to the public.
At the event NEW Devon CCG will present its annual report and accounts, as well as a number of presentations on the previous year’s achievements and its future plans.
GP members of the CCG will be at the event, along with representatives of local healthcare providers and voluntary sector organisations, who will be hosting information stands.
Dr Tim Burke, the CCG’s chair, has asked Anne Gunther, a non-executive director of the CCG, to chair the meeting. Anne has a wealth of experience in the financial sector and brings her experience to the CCG as an independent lay member.
Dr Burke said he hoped as many people as possible come along to the AGM.
“Our CCG is all about involving people and listening to them when it comes to decisions about their healthcare and at our AGM we want to show people how we are doing this,” he said.
“In the past 12 months alone we have organised about 200 public engagement events and through these, reached more than 4,000 people in Devon.
“We want the AGM to not only provide people with a degree of accountability, but also to make a connection between our work in the CCG and you the patient or member of public.
“If you aren’t able to make the AGM and want to know more about the CCG and its work, visit our newly launched website on www.newdevonccg.nhs.uk.”
People are welcome to attend the event but as space is limited they are asked to register their attendance with Nikki Coombes on ncoombes@nhs.net or 01392 267 670 by Friday 5 September.