Consultant Anaesthetist elected Vice President of Royal College of Anaesthetists
Dr Jeremy Langton, Consultant Anaesthetist at Derriford Hospital, has been successfully elected as Vice President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. This will be start from September 2015 and continue for one year.
Dr Langton has worked at Derriford Hospital for 20 years and has been involved with the Royal College since 1997. Starting as a College Tutor for trainees in Plymouth, he then became a Royal College Examiner for 12 years and was elected in 2012 as a council member.
He said: “It is a great personal and professional honour to be able to represent my speciality as Vice President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
“I am particularly grateful for the ongoing support I receive from my clinical colleagues and from the Chief Executive and the senior management team in Plymouth, which enables me to undertake this role.
“It is particularly important at this time of great change within healthcare that I am able to represent views from the South West, and I look forward to the challenges that this new role will present.”
Ann James, Chief Executive of Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “I would like to congratulate Dr Langton for being elected as the Vice President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. We are extremely proud of this achievement, which recognises the hard work and dedication he has shown towards anaesthesia.
“This role is very well deserved and our patients are very fortunate to benefit from the skills and experience that Dr Langton brings to the Trust.”
The Royal College of Anaesthetists is the professional body responsible for the specialty throughout the UK and it ensures the quality of patient care through the maintenance of standards in anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine.