Council promotes Plymouth Plan pop-up shop
"Pop into our pop-up Plymouth Plan shop and tell us more about what you think is important about Plymouth’s future."
So says Plymouth City Council who have launched the shop in New George Street which is packed with facts, photos and maps to stimulate discussion about the Plymouth Plan. The Council hopes lots of people will get involved in shaping future plans and policies for Plymouth and has put on a busy programme of events to get people talking about the big issues affecting the city.
Today - Saturday 15 June - the topic of the day will be arts and culture, with discussions about the History Centre and the City of Culture bid as well as drawing and knitting workshops. Councillor Peter Smith, Deputy Leader, will be on the sofa from 10am to 11am and there's a chance to ‘draw your own Plymouth’ and learn about Social Enterprise from staff from the Urban Enterprise programme and Plymouth Adult and Community Learning Social Enterprise.
Other events include:
- Monday 17 June: the Chief Executive of Plymouth Chamber of Commerce will give a private sector view of Plymouth's future from 6pm. It’s free but you need to book.
- Wednesday 19 June: getting around is the theme, with personal travel planning, cycling and Councillor Mark Coker, Cabinet Member for Transport on the sofa from 11am to 12 noon. There is also the opportunity to meet consultants carrying out the Airport Study. Find out what they are doing and contribute your views. This needs to be booked, but it is free.
- Thursday 20 June: the shop goes green with events including a chance to visit a full-scale model of a zero carbon houses – right in the city centre. People can also peak inside a Passivhaus Retrofit project in Stonehouse, take part in a workshop on how the Plymouth Plan can support sustainable food as well as themed discussions about energy saving in our homes and climate change.
At 7pm there will be the Great Greener Plymouth Debate, with a panel of experts including Conrad Humphreys, Dr Richard Ayres, Lead for Public Health Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry Lead for Population Health Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine & Dentistry and Phil Waters, European Centre for Environment and Human Health and Eden Project. They will debate the challenges for Plymouth’s natural environment over the next 20 years before an audience question time.
- Friday 21 June: Health and Care is the theme with activities from Plymouth Community Healthcare, including district nurses running health checks, mental health awareness and healthy eating activities.
Councillor Mark Lowry, Cabinet Member for Finance will be on the sofa from 2pm to 3pm and Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Adult Social Care will be on the sofa from 4pm to 5pm
- Saturday 22 June: City Pride looks at how has the city changed and what people love about Plymouth. Deputy leader Councillor Peter Smith, will be on sofa from 10am to 11am.
This is just a snapshot of the events on offer daily and more details of times and specific events can be found at www.plymouth.gov.uk/plymouthplan, follow Twitter @plymouthplan, Facebook www.facebook.com/whatsthefutureshop or call 01752 305477.