Crimebeat grants available for Devon groups
Applications are now open for groups in Devon to apply for grants of up to £3000.
Grassroots Grants up to £500, Connection Grants up to £1000 and Action Grants up to £3000 are available for projects that can prove they will have a positive impact on vulnerable young people and will help cut crime, especially anti social behaviour, substance abuse or school absenteeism.
Funding comes from money recovered from criminals via the Proceeds of Crime Act and seizure of assets. Chief of police for Devon, Chief Superintendent Paul Davies said “I’m delighted to be able to support this initiative and ensure this money is put back into the community where it belongs”.
See the following for more information http://devoncf.com/apply/apply-for-a-grant/individual-grants/
Connection and Action Grants closing date for applications 19 October. Grassroots Grants closing date 9 November.
To apply for similar grants in Cornwall see http://www.cornwallfoundation.com/cornwall-crimebeat.html
Crimebeat is a national initiative which aims to empower young people to make a difference in their local area by encouraging them to get involved in community projects.