Dartmoor archaeologists need you!
Help Dartmoor National Park Archaeologists and Rangers look after prehistoric stone rows on a two day conservation work project on 19 and 20 August 2015.
Dartmoor’s landscape is among the richest in western Europe in terms of its prehistoric archaeological remains. Dartmoor contains the longest stone row in the world and has the greatest number of archaeological sites out of all the UK National Parks. In fact 60% of all stone rows to be found in England are on Dartmoor and 1/3 of all stone rows in the UK and Brittany are on Dartmoor.
All of this takes some looking after and we hope that you will find the time to help us. You can come along for one or both days and tools and gloves are provided. The work will involve clearing scrub from stone rows using hand tools. Please dress for the outdoors and bring food and drink.
Conservation work volunteering is a great way to experience the outdoors, get healthy exercise and help look after the environment. You will learn more about working as a Ranger and about Dartmoor’s internationally important archaeology and all FREE of charge.
Location: Near Glasscombe Corner, Corringdon Ball, South Brent.
Booking: Please call Archaeologist Andy Crabb on 01626 831077 or email acrabb@dartmoor.gov.uk for more details and to book a place.